Now my Question here is:
What's the most annoying sound you simply can't stand?
And my Answer:
I hate the phone alarm in the morning that goes snoozing on and on for like 3 times! And in the winter i so hate the sound of the shovel rubbed against the concrete... who shovels at 5:45am ???? Seriously?!? Now it's your chance to turn in Mr. shovely Joe:P or whoever or whatever sound you hate to the core! So say it out loud:)
Aloha Everyone!

Easy, slurping soup or cereal!
LOL How do you really feel??! Sorry, that would annoy me, too.
The sound I can't tolerate is filing and sanding. Filing nails, and sanding wood or metal or anything. I can't even stand to think about it!
I can't stand loud eating and drink slurping. Though the shovel on concrete would probably give me the shivers too!
Oh man, there are a lot of them! LOL
And it depends on what mood I'm in at the time-I think the worst of the worst is when I'm in bed ready to sleep and my nose whistles; Like your trying to breath, but your nose is making a whistling sound.
Drives me CRAZY!!!
Truth be told that is why I'm up right now >.<
Have a wonderful Friday!
fingernails on the chalkboard
That's actually a hard one. I can hardly think of anything.
Maybe the phone ringing! With telemarketers calling me 24/7.
I am with you on the alarm clock
whining also bugs me alot and my teens do it way too much
A high pitched whine.
Here's my Aloha Friday link for you
I can't stand the sound of a dog licking themselves!! Just nasty!
The fan above my stove is so loud. It drives me crazy!
This is a great question! I have a lot of sounds that completely annoy me. I am really annoyed by people who chew loudly with their mouths open. BLECH! Drives me batty.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! ALOHA!
Probably my dog barking - he is so loud sometimes. Not that I do not love him but when I am trying to take a nap and he will not be quiet it is so annoying. :)
I hate garbage trucks when they come down the street. They are so loud and it seems like they take forever! I also don't like neighbors dogs that bark continually and the neighbors don't check on them! I agree on the shoveling as well! Thanks for letting me vent! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great Friday!
*those are just some noises that have bothered me lately* :)
Kids whining.
My husband makes a noise by vibrating his lips to sound like a motorcycle. It literally gives me goosebumps and makes me cringe, like nails on a chalkboard. He does it when he wants to piss me off.
Wow, let me think. I hate it when the neighbors have music on loud enough so I can just hear the bass. Loud eating noises (can't stand Carls Jr. commercials) also drive me insane.
The noise my daugthers play shoes make on our wood floors.
Noises in the night and I don't know what they're from. Aloha, following you.
nails on a chalkboard
Whining. lol that's my worse sound I ca't stand. lol
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