Now my Question here is:
Do any of you guys out there have plane sickness? How do you cope with it and what do you do to take your mind of it?
And my Answer is:
I do .. i so seriously do have plane sickness... it's not that i feel like throwing up necessarily, but i rather experience an acute head ache and nausea and combine that with my claustrophobia thing and you're getting there the pretty picture of a crazy lady.. aka.. ME:P SO how do i deal with that?!? I have no clue.. i guess I'll try getting some pills to put me to sleep for a good amount of hours, so i have to visit my doctor first, and then if that doesn't work, i seriously don't know.. and no, books won't work.. they just make me even more nauseous! So .. any advice??? Please do share! I know there's plenty of you guys out there that are in the same boat so.. bring it on! :)
Aloha Everyone!

Aloha! Right back at ya. No, sorry I have never had it, but I do get car sick and once had a really mean case of sea sickness. gross. So, I can kinda empathize. It bites and once it starts I am toast!
Yes, I Watch a movie on my netbook with earphones, sip water and chew on ice, chew gum
Here's my Aloha Friday link for you
Sorry, I don't. Have a great day!
Chewing gum. and lots of chewing gum. They say there are those bracelets that help
Oh sorry you have this. I do not have this.. I just say maybe have some great music to listen to and a great book. That may help. Have a great weekend.
I don't. Not really anyway. But I get nervous and my coping mechanism is to fall asleep as soon as I get on the plane and not wake up until I get off. It made the REALLY long trip to Ethiopia loads of fun. :)
That's to bad you have to deal with all of that! I am lucky enough to be somewhat okay in the plane! I hate the small space and everything, but somehow I manage to get by! I really don't like the long flights! Those are hard! I hope someone has some good tips for you!
Have a great weekend!
Oh dear! I'm sorry that this happens to you! I do get motion sickness in the car and on boats (well the one time I was on a small boat in Hawaii!). Planes are usually ok for me, but sometimes the nausea will hit me hard. Yep I just try to fall asleep. Sorry I'm no help...hope that someone has a better suggestion!
In all honesty, I've never been on a plane. Now - boats are a whole other story, I grew up on boats. But planes - never even touched one.
Nope, but I do have a bad problem of my ears popping, and hurting so bad they feel like someone is trying to put sharp pencils in my ears and pushing on them to come out the other side. I chew gum. It does help a little. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Thanks for stopping by.
I normally do not get sick...
but, I always try and chew gum
My mom does. She found one of those pressure point bracelets really works for her. Good luck!
I don't but some people I know use dramamine and the wrist band!Aloha
Unfortunately I can't be of any help, because I don't get sick on planes. Have a Great Weekend!
I really don't fly often and when I do , my sickness is worry that we'll crash so I spend all my time planning how to grab my kids and get away or how to put their life jacket on on time etc.
My other thing is that my ears go crazy! It's almost like my drums are going to burst. ick. hate it.
I hope you find something to help. I love falling asleep on the plane because it takes away the time I sit up and panic.
here is what you do..
take DRAMAMINE.. (helps with motion sickness)
and take AMBIEN (need a prescription.. its a sleeping pill)
then, when you board the plane, start chewing gum during take off and landing...
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