Now my Question here is:
What type of shoes do you wear during summer??(flip-flops, sandals, wedges, heels, sneakers or flats)
My answer:
I love both, the flexibility and the comfortable feeling the flip-flops give me. So most of the times you'll find me wearing that. But i also wear t-strap or gladiator sandals. I just love how they look:)Rarely wearing heels.. only if we go somewhere formal and almost never wearing sneakers.. i find my feet captive in there.. especially during hot summer days:) Oh but definitely looking for a good/cheap pair of wedges these days.. so if you know anything, please let me know! Now it's your turn! DO share!
Also I decided FollowFriday's gonna stay with me for a while now!It's like a relative coming from somewhere far and you can't just kick 'em out the door.. so bare with me and my cocky relative displaying her unshaved legs on my coffee table:

i wear a no in between the toes flip flop sandal type of shoe thingy...lol sorry
I like flip flops or sneakers! I have bad feet that hurt alot so I usually go with the more comfortable! I wish I could be more stylish without pain! Have a great Friday! :)
flip flops but sometimes sneakers too. But definitely the flip flops.
I switch between sneakers and sandals.
Happy Ff - I'm a flipflop girl all the way, all year around! I already follow you.
I wear all of the above..my Hub would wear flip flops all year if he could..even to his corporate office. LOL. Happy FF!
Happy Friday Follow;
I wear my flipflops till theres snow on the ground!!!! haha
Folliwing back now.
Following back from FF! I am a flip flop girl
LOL, it's summer here all year round in Malaysia.
It's flip flops to the grocer or wet-market, sandals to the mall and stilletos for formal functions.
Hi! I'm a new follower of your lovely blog from FF.
I wear flip flops and my old faithful crocks
I'm a new follower from friday follow. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Have a blessed day!!!
Flip flops and sandals here. Never sneakers. Never ever, eww.
Oh, and I'm a new follower from FF.
Happy Friday!
Last summer I lived in my Teva that I bought for Disney World. Loved how comfortable they were, cool for my feet and practical. Of course, I learned that going to the playground was better left to sneakers.
thanks for stopping by on ff! i wear flip flops all year round! i love them:) now following you back!
I had a pair of spongey wedges that were so comfortbale, I was gutted when they brok!
Flip-flops and sandals mostly. I'm a shoe person so I change it out a lot but I LOVE summer shoes. I wear heels on Sunday.
Oh ya I'm a total flipflop girl even like 75% of the time in the winter with a foot of snow on the ground ;)
Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm following you from Friday Follow, thanks for stopping by!
Hi! I'm a new follower from Friday Follow, please follow back. Thanks! :)
I love to wear flip flops.. Thanks for stopping by.. I am so glad to see you again.. Have a great weekend.
Hello, visiting you from Friday Follow!
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Have a very blessed weekend! :)
Oh I live in flip flops all year round! I love them, so comfy!
I use all of them, it depends on the weather and the place I'm going.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Happy Friday and weekend.
PS: Oh, don't forget the robe sleep with cow theme for Mother's Day,ha.
I love my crocs in the summer :o)
Love your blog...following you from FF! Stop by and visit me sometime!
I wear all sorts of shoes during summer, even boots when I feel like it. or when I don't want to paint my nails :)
I’m your latest Friday Follower-No. 153! I would appreciate a follow-back on Google Friends Connect and/or Networked Blogs.
Here from both memes. Following from Friday Follow. The shoes I wear depend on what I am doing. I had never worn flip-flops until a few years ago, and now I tend to wear them regularly during the summer. They really help to keep you cooler!
Thanks for following me...I'm your newest follower. Happy FF!
mostly sneakers...
but then i put on flip flops from time to time...
Happy FF! I'm your newest follower. I'd love it if you could come visit/follow me at www.momsbalancingact.com
I am your newest follower! Come on over and say hi!
Thank you for following Fugitive Firefly! Returning the favor. Hope you have a wonderful day :)
Flip flops as often as the Pacific Northwest summer allows. I love sandal season!
I usually wear sandals - flip flops just don't work for me! I am following you back from Friday Follow!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I’m your newest follower too. I look forward to checking out more of your blog. :)
looking for some good wedges right now! loking t-straps this year, though!
Thanks for stopping by and following me:) I am following you too now! Great blog:)
Happy Friday follow! Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I am now following you back. :)
Hi, there, visiting from FF, and I am now following you from on GFC as thrifty canucks.
Please visit my blog and if you can follow me too at
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