It's simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
SO just make sure you link with us, follow me as the hostess (just cause i took the effort to babble here and add this form:P) and then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments, send them love notes and chocolate boxes *WOW scratch that last part:P* and don't forget to do the happy dance!
And as always, today I have another question for you guys:
What's your biggest computer fail?
I must say when the laptop dies on you and you have all your work unsaved yet.. well that my friends is called HUGE FAIL!!!! Eh you get through all the stages of denial, anger, depression, and acceptance, and finally you draw a big L with a sharpie on your forehead cause who's to blame other than yourself for not saving your work every 5 seconds and trust those stupid machines?!?! Now come on, don't be shy.. share your stupidest most blow-up-your-brains-mistake you guys experienced with computers:) You know you wanna... :):)
Happy Friday!
And don't forget to check Blogger tutorials for more blog-handy tips and easy HTML tutorials, plus you can check SEO or Unclutter tips for more improving your web traffic secrets!:) I'm out now!!

If you follow me from any of these hops or something else, let me know so i can come check your blog back;)

here from new friends friday... please follow back 4thegiveaways.blogspot.com
Not saving to an external hard drive or disc on a regular basis. Last year I had a 6 week long crash (up/down/replace parts) on my computer before it finally died & was totally replaced. I lost pictures, docs, etc. that can not be replaced or redone.
I am already a follower of yours, but wanted to say Thanks for hosting! Stop by sometime!
Doing my happy dance, hopping on the blog train in hopes that my "blog's ass" gets a little push LOL :)...My hugest computer fail was just last week..started a blogpost, tweeked my html just how I like it, copied and then....as usual I got sidetracked doing something else, forgot to save, and when I came back, computer had shut down because battery died. I thought all was well because computer usual saves starts up with everything the way I left it...Welp, no dice...everything was gone and I had no clue where I was or what I was blogging about...I have decided that if I start a blog post, I must finish right then and there or it may be lost in the great oblivion of the blogosphere!! This scatterbrained mind of mine will get better yet, I hope :)
Good morning! Thanks for hosting!
Happy Friday my dear
Hi, thanks for the kind words on my blog :) I'm your newest follower :) lovin your blogin tips!!! have been meaning to find out about alt atributes, am just about to add a link to your party :D
I'm a new follower from Friday blog hop! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog! I would love for you to follow back at threecrazymunchkins.blogspot.com
Thank you so much for coming to Three Pixie Lane! I signed up to follow you and you have no idea how much I need your tutorials! Three Pixie Lane is incredibly simple, because I don't know how to do very much with it! Oh, I will learn from your site some new things! Can't wait to sit and read! Thanks so much!
Happy Friday!:) wishing you a happy weekend!
Thanks for hosting! I'm your newest follower... come visit at happeningsoftheharperhousehold.blogspot.com
Lovely blog!! Returning the visit to you - for some reason your followers are showing Internet Explorer cannot display...I'll try again in a little bit!! :)
Thanks for hosting, I love linking up every week to your hop....please do stop by my blog hop and link up both your hop and a post about cleaning up, freshening up anything in your life. Also please link up a second time for your blog hop too! See you (I already follow). Roz
Found you through the "fun follow friday" hop! Super Cute Blog...I'm happy to follow!
hi there~thanks for hosting! i will be following you once i get to my home computer!i am at work right now and our 'internet police' dont allow this function here. boo. very cute blog btw,
I'm your newest follower- fabulous blog! Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for telling me about your blog! I'm now your newest follower! :)
I am a new follower from Frienship Friday! Biggest computer fail? Huh, I am a tech-junkie so I can't think of anything, but I have most likely just totally jinxed myself, so I'll let you know! ;)
Thank you for your comments on my blog! I'm already a follower, but I joined your blog hop!
Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you for following me; returning the love! Have a great night!
What a great idea!I've only just discoveredlink parties and I see I have sooooooo much to learn! I'll be here next Friday!
new to blogging - thanks for the bloghop, looks like fun!
Hi there! This is a great idea! I am following you now. Check out my blog at http://singlemama-reviewcorner.blogspot.com/ I look forward to seeing more of your posts!
New Follower, following from Monday Mingle!
I'm a new follower! :)
Thanks for following :)
I'm already following you, too!
Have a great day!
new follower! thanks for hosting! :)
This looks and sounds delicious! I'm going to love following your blog! I found you though the blog hop at 'Frugality is Free!'
I also have a blog:
Being Frugal & Making It Work
Blogging and sharing is such great fun!
This Thursday I start my first blog hop 'Thursday Classic Video'.
I really want to put my blog hop aside to one page, like you do to your Boost My Blog Friday. But I don't know how to do that.
Can you teach me?
Thanks so much and be blessed.
or email me at pieris_amiko@yahoo.com
Hi! I'm your newest follower! I can't wait to join the fun tomorrow. Thanks for hosting!
I'm a new follower. Very lovely blog!
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