Boost My Blog Friday 9/17

Today is Friday, that means it's time again to catch up with Boost My Blog Friday here on Design It Chic:


It's simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
SO just make sure you link with us, follow me as the hostess (and leave me a comment so i know you follow me and return the love back:) and then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments, send them love notes and chocolate boxes *WOW scratch that last part:P* and don't forget to do the happy dance!

If you join with us on Boost My Blog Friday, please take your time and leave a comment, so we know you're participating with us and maybe pay you a visit:) Thanks!

And as always, today I have another question for you guys:
What's one thing that scares/creeps you out around Halloween?

I must admit unfortunately it's dimmed light. Generally dimmed light is romantic and i love it, but around Halloween, it gets creepy and i hate it:P Also.. jokes with blood will not be greatly appreciated... thank you very much:P Now what about you guys?? Share the creepy/scary Halloween boo-anzaaaaa :):)

Happy Friday!
And don't forget to check Blogger tutorials for more blog-handy tips and easy HTML tutorials, plus you can check SEO or Unclutter tips for more improving your web traffic secrets!:) I'm out now!!

If you follow me from any of these hops or something else, let me know so i can come check your blog back;)


Erica K said...

hanks for the linky.

I always hate when people dress like clowns for halloween. *shivers*

Georgia Peach said...

Thank you for the Boost My Blog Friday post! I love these - gives me an opportunity to find folks I normally would not be blessed enough to find!

Georgia Peach said...

I was not given a code to post this on my blog when I entered. Any suggestions?

Roz said...

Hi! Thanks for hosting again! I'm linked up and follow you already; I hope that you stop by my little hop today and link up twice: for your blog hop and for a post that gives us some design inspiration. Thanks and have a great Friday! Roz

Unknown said...

Hi, sorry for double linking, could you please erase No. 39? thank you ^^

Ruth said...

The only thing that scares me at Halloween is the thought of my kids eating all that candy!

Thanks for hosting, I'm already a follower.

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

Thank you so much for hosting. I'm a definite follower of your lovely blog.

I'd love you to come and visit Modern Country Style if you have a free moment.

We've just finished doing up our kitchen and today is reveal day!
So exciting!

aumie said...

One thing that kind of creeps me out around Halloween is when the moon is bright but covered by clouds so there is only that shine through. Now following you for Boost my Bog Friday. I hope you can stop by

Tarunita said...

Thanks for following me and I am following you back.
You have a nice blog!

tpoole said...

Following you back!!! Tracy @ Frugal Finds 4 Moms... Love your blog!

Miller Moments said...

Hi! New to your blog hop and a new follower.

Elizabeth T. said...

Hi! I nominated your blog for an award. Click this link for details:

Hope you have a wonderful day! :)

Emily said...

Thank you for hosting today! Your blog is super cute! I would love it if you would come check my blog out at:

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Followed through Friday hopping party!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Thanks for your comment! It's fun!

Ginger Jones said...

Thanks for hostin'! I always find some great new blogs to follow.

*~Petra~* said...

Following you! Love the blog hop. Thanks for hosting. :)

Marah said...

new follower.

Diana Mieczan said...

Spiders scare me so much...hahha:)
Happy Friday,sweetie

Keriann said...

I participate in you blog boost! I think it's so awesome of you ladies to do such a rule free hosting! I hate feeling obligated to follow hundreds of other blogs every time I join a hop.

and I'm totally loving your site!

Endy Daniel said...

glad to find ur blog here, im now following u :)

Scented Leaf said...

Halloween does desensitize us and our kids by exposing to violence, death, mutilation... Can't wait the Christmas time with peaceful, soothing music and poems that celebrates the goodness of life.

Book Loving Mommy said...

Hi! I'm a new follower! Love your blog :) Check mine out at

Endy Daniel said...

lovely blog, im following u now :)

Helena said...

I think the creepiest thing about Halloween is... when little girls dress in skanky costumes. I've seen 10 yr. olds dressed all skanky before, and it creeps me out.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time here I have linked up and am now following your blog! Lovely site you have here! Thanks for hosting!

Heather Jones said...

Hi!! I'm following you on your lovely blog hop.

Have a great weekend and stop by when you get a chance.

Heather from Mommy Only Has Two Hands!

nomo wino daph said...

I am a follower......seems I started following you a few weeks ago cause I am down the list, lol!

Hope your day is awesome!

Tales of a young mamma said...

hii just discovered your blog and I'm a new follower

Keya said...

Your hop sure is popular today! I remember when it was brand new. Congrats! Hope you have a great weekend. Still a follower.

Tracey said...

Thanks for stopping my my blog.
I can't stand to be frightened. Like in haunted house when people jump out and scare you and/or grab you. I hate that!

Tracey said...

Thanks for stopping my my blog.
I can't stand to be frightened. Like in haunted house when people jump out and scare you and/or grab you. I hate that!

Tracey said...

Thanks for stopping my my blog.
I can't stand to be frightened. Like in haunted house when people jump out and scare you and/or grab you. I hate that!

Anonymous said...

Saw you on Social Parade! Cute blog! I'm a twenty something crafter too! Thanks for the link up! Count me as your newest follower!

Sue said...

Thanks for letting me add to your site!!

Unknown said...

I love these weekly questions. Hmmm. I suppose the thing that creeps me out the most is the people who use Halloween as an excuse to be stupid or commit crimes. I'm not talking about teepeeing a house, but doing things like getting stupid drunk and vandalizing cars and such. I love everything else about the holiday, though! Give me an excuse to dress up and eat candy anytime!

Goodies for Mom said...

I'm your newest follower. Thanks for stopping by our blog earlier this week :)

Unknown said...

I really like your blog and thanks for the linky! Feel free to come visit me!

Have a great weekend!

Nicole said...

You won an award! Check it out at my blog :)

Brandy M. said...

Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend! Would love for you to stop by.

Giveaway Blogdom

Unknown said...

Hello girl, you have been awarded the One Lovely Blog Award, please come and claim it.

LitLass said...

Following you!

Kathryn said...

Hi! I'm a new follower! I can't wait to check out all these new-to-me blogs.

Check out my gift blog, Penguin's Gift.

Andrea said...

What a great blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for following! I'm following you too! Have a great week!


Hanging Off The Wire said...

Hi. You are following me from a blog hop! Thanks so much! I am following back. But you posted in a Giveaway post on my blog....just checking to see if you posted there because you also wanted to join the giveaway. Let me know. Thanks.

Vanessa said...

Good idea with Boost my blog friday!

My least favorite thing about Halloween would be the haunted houses or crazy pranks!

You can find me at