Hi all! Today we continue our fabulous Show Yo' Flow @ Design It Chic Campaign! If you're new here, you can learn all about this amazing campaign by browsing our Show Yo' Flow files. If you're a long time reader, then keep up with our full powered bandwagon, because there's lots of prizes flowing around here these days and lots of fun interviews with amazing ordinary people just like you and I!

Today we'll be chatting with our next star, Dalia from Inspirations by D! She's a very talented lady that manages a blog and a small online business, while staying fabulous.

Design It Chic: Hi Dalia! Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Dalia: Nice to meet you all. I'm from New York City. I have always been a crafty child thanks to my creative and talented mom. Seems like many of us get it from our mothers, hee, hee. I used to design clothes years ago, my family thought for sure I was going to make a career out of it, but to their surprise, I pursued the fashion business world instead. I was fascinated by it and did that for several years. I am currently a wife and mom, wanna be photographer, Etsy gal, crafter and blogger.

Design It Chic: Nice to meet you too friend! The rumors on the street has it that you're a very crafty lady, can you tell us more about your business?
Dalia: Yes of course. I have always been crafty and enjoy making a lot of different things, but something drew me toward making glass magnets, necklaces and push pins and before I knew it, I started selling by word of mouth and then opened a shop at Etsy. I think it was the fact that I couldn't find the designs that I wanted. I already knew that there were many "magnet" designs out there and I didn't want to compete with them, and noticed there was a market left out. At the time, no one was designing magnets, pins or necklaces for the Christian community, that was my "aha" moment. Now there are many, so my designs vary.

Design It Chic: LOVE IT! Your necklaces and pins are so unique, but what do you do to showcase them to the world?
Dalia: I first started advertising in a couple of blogs, but that was a bit expensive, so I showcased them through the social media, shortly after I decided to have my own blog to showcase them..

Design It Chic: We can't help but wonder, why glass? Why not plastic or wood or perhaps marshmallows?:) ha ha
Dalia: Ha, ha, that would be interesting. I personally chose glass because it is easy to work with and easy for me to have in stock than other items. The best part is, if I make a mistake, it is a lot easier to fix than lets say wood. I also think it has a beautiful quality to it when you view the art work.
Design It Chic: Very interesting! Do you plan on any new designs for the Holiday season?
Dalia: I have a few in mind, but I am still working on designs so stay tuned.

Design It Chic: We see that you also have a blog. Can you tell us what's going on in there?
Dalia: The blog is mainly to showcase the pieces I make, but I also post random everyday things such as family moments and crafts and try to support other blogers who have great stories to tell, that way I don't bore readers with just my shop. I also like to support my Etsy community by displaying things that I find interesting. I don't get paid to promote anyone or anything, it's all my own opinion.

Design It Chic: Awwwww hearing blogers' stories always makes us jump up and down, because we're all about encouraging and empowering fellow blogers in here. And speaking of fellow blogers, what would be the #1 advice that you'd give to a newbie blogger and business owner?
Dalia: Stay focused! Know what you want to blog about, do it and stick with it. A creative design for your blog doesn't hurt either. As a business owner, if you are going to showcase your work, have great clear pictures. The better the quality of the picture the better response you will have.

Design It Chic: Very inspiring! Now for the funny part, can you also share with us a blooper from behind your store or blog? Love a good laugh:)
Dalia: This is a tough one. I would have to say that I once got up late at night because I forgot to post something and my husband asked where I was going, so I told him I was going to take my vitamins, which was true, but then I sat down and started working. Shortly after, I heard from a distance, " Are you making your own vitamins? What's taking you so long?" I had to shut down quick before he could catch me working again, it was a close call, ha, ha.

Design It Chic: That's funny! But the moment everyone was waiting for is here, so please break the silence and tell all our readers what is your surprise for them today!
Dalia: The items in the shop vary in design, so one lucky reader will be able to choose an item of their choice.
Design It Chic: FABULOUS! Thanks Dalia for joining us today:)

So you heard the lady! One of you awesome readers can snag a gift of your choice from Dalia's beautiful shop :) Just in time for the Holiday season! All you have to do is become a follower of Design It Chic right here and then pay a visit to Inspirations by D and tell us in a comment what item did you like most. That's 1 entry.
If you want to gain extra entries, add Design It Chic's button on your blog somewhere where we can find it and come back and tell us that you did(2 entries),blog about this giveaway with a link back to this interview and then comment that you did that(2 entries), follow Dalia on her blog and come back and comment that you did(1 entry), follow Inspirations by D on Facebook or Twitter(1 entry) and tell us that you did that with a link back to your profile so we can check. There's 7 possibilities for you to snag one gift of your choice from Inspirations by D, so what are you waiting for?
The giveaway is now officially open and will be closing 11/28 midnight Central Time Zone. Enjoy everyone!!!
And last week's winner of 20$ gift certificate to November Girl's shop is Shannon @ The House Creative and Jodi from What Makes Mama Smile is the winner of the 20$ gift certificate to Steufel shop.
Plus don't forget to check the other stars from our Show Yo' Flow Campaign, and make sure you don't miss any of the upcoming interviews along with our amazing gifts for everybody! Happy Monday all!

I checked out Inspirations by D and I really loved the Glass Magnets Large Set of 2. Beautiful!
i adore the animal large glass magnets. way too cute!
i follow dalia's blog
i follow inspirations by D on facebook
i follow inspirations by D on twitter
twitter link (@aprilemery)
i have your blog button on my blog (right column under 'may i recommend')
i blogged about the giveaway (http://aprilemery.blogspot.com)
I would love to win the set of magnets in pink, red and white.
Felicity x
PS Am a follower
Great interview. Fun to learn about other bloggers.
Thanks for coming to the Joyful Jungle! Those are some beautiful pieces...Great blog! Following you back...
New follower from Making friends Monday (spotlight blog). Would love a follow back. :)
thanks for your comment i'm now following you back!
Hey girl! Following you right back ;) Love the page, its gorgeous and feels so free spirited!
Wonderful. Thank you both!
Pick one? Pick ONE? That's nearly impossible! I love all of them for various reasons! I'd have to go with the Set of 4 Glass Magnets-Jesus or the Pro-Life Large Glass Magnet Set of 4> I'm tellin' ya, I can't pick one!
~Mimi following you back from you following me this morning. =)
Following her on Twitter as @bigguysmama
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
You'll find your button at http://marvelousmomreviews.blogspot.com
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
You'll find your button at http://marvelousmomreviews.blogspot.com
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
New follower
I also wanted to give you the Stylish Blog Award...
Stylish Blogger Award
Rules for accepting this award are:
1. Thank & link back to the person who awarded you this.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their Blog Award!
You can get the award off of my post, just save it as a pic ; )
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Hi, I am following you from Follow Me Back Tuesday. I hope you have a wonderful day and a happy Thanksgiving!
These are all just adorable!
I'm here from Follow Me Back and I'm a new follower. =)
Happy Thanksgiving!
These are all just adorable!
I'm here from Follow Me Back and I'm a new follower. =)
Happy Thanksgiving!
I LOVE the set of Owl magnets. I would so give those to my friend who has a pr business called Night Owl PR. She would love them if I gave them to her for Christmas.
I am now following you thanks to Follow Me Back Tuesday!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I'm following you back :)
I love the Large Glass Magnets - Set of 4- Bird :)
following her via RSS feed - google reader
following her on facebook: kari terrell
following her on twitter: houndgirlblog
thank you for following me. yey, i'm following you too! this is very cute! i love this site! Those are neat. I wish I was creative to make things. haha.
happy Holidays from HI.
Thanks for following. You're going to love the housewives!
We are following you back via FMBT.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
You have such a talent.
~Mrs. Albright
Thanks for linking up for the Tuesday Train ride. Have a great holiday!
Hey! It's Jessica from Life with a Little Guy. I'm following you back!
If I could choose I would like the Large Glass red owl magnets!
Hi there! I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say how much I LOVE it! I will be back for more. Thanks for posting!
Thank you for your comment and following of my post. I look forward yo reading your new post as your newest follower.
Great interview. Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine!
Thanks for stopping by and the follow. I love this post! I am following you back.
Those are SO cute!!
Thank you for such a sweet comment on my blog, Hearth Story! Now following you from Totally Tuesday Blog Hop!
I love your blog!!.. You need to give me some tips.. I am now a follower :)
Following you from A blog hop two weeks ago.
Thanks for stopping by and following FamileStyle. I'm following back. I love her Glass Magnet Set of Four - Christian.
Thanks for linking up to Friendly Wednesday!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Follow back at
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Hey there.. Thanks for the blog love. I'm following back! ;)
Oooh, how cute!!!!
Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies
Hi, my favorite item is the Glass Push Pins in Shades of Pink, Yellow, White and Red. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net
I follow Dalia on her blog.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net
I follow Inspirations by D on Twitter (@shala_darkstone).
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net
Great Interview... funny blooper... Have a wonderful ThanksGiving!!
I follow your blog
I like the
Large Glass Magnets -Set of 4 Pink, Red, White Shades/
Large Glass Magnets- Set of 4- Red Owl
I follow Dalia's blog
I follow her on twitter
These are just precious.
I love the shabby magnets, so beautiful, but all the push pins are adorable.
I'm putting the shop in my favourites!
Following you on GFC
I liked:
Pendant Necklace - Round Glass Kaleidoscope Design
Added button to my blog
Following Dalia on GFC
Following Inspirations by D on facebook
Following Inspirations by D on Twitter
Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving such an encouraging comment. Yours is great. I'll definately be back to visit often!
Yeah!! I'm following you now too!
Hey, these (in the post) are BEAUTIFUL!!
Nice crafts. I like the interviews and the featured presentations
Thank you for stopping by my blog and following. I am your newest follower.
Loved the items. I checked out her blog- but I thought she had buttons too for us other crafty gals.
Im going to make some vintage lady ones of these for my sister for her birthday. All these giveaways are so clever!
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