Today is Friday, that means it's time again to catch up with Boost My Blog Friday here on Design It Chic! Last week we were missing out because of the Thanksgiving, but now we're back on track:)
And just a quick reminder before we go on, hurry up to snag Elizabeth's amazing surprises for you guys!

It's simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
SO just make sure you link with us, follow us as the hostess (and leave us a comment so we know you follow us and return the love back:) and then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments, send them love notes and chocolate boxes *WOW scratch that last part:P* and don't forget to do the happy dance!
If you join with us on Boost My Blog Friday, please take your time and leave a comment, so we know you're participating with us and maybe pay you a visit:) Thanks!
And as always, today I have another question for you:
What is your favorite thing about December?
Mine is the first snow:) I simply love it and i feel so joyful and happy when the first snowflakes are falling down. I can even smell it in the air the night before it starts snowing.. is that serene breeze with that frosting smell. Is something that I always loved and always will:) Now, what's yours? Do share your December love!
And don't forget to check Blogger tutorials for more blog-handy tips and easy HTML tutorials, plus you can check SEO or Unclutter tips for more improving your web traffic secrets!:) Happy Friday!

Mine is the first snow fall too. But I haven't had one of those in about six years now, so I miss it.
I follow you. Hope you'll follow me.
following you :)
Happy Friday :-)
I love following your blog so thought I'd participate... Check out my blog if you get a chance x
I am a follower. Christmas what else?
Hi, I'm passing by and following from "Follow Friday".
When you get a chance, please check out my blog and follow me back?
I have posts in Portuguese and english...
This is my first time in your blog hop, but i have already fallen in love with your site and have become your follower since yesterday (albeit in anonymous mode of google connect and not public mode )
I was looking to pep up my site and your blog is the right start to it..
I love that the weather cools down in Cali and all the Christmas movies that come on TV.
Thanks for the follow!!
and invite. I joined! Excited! I need a blog boost! lol
Joining in again, welcome back:) Jen
My favorite thing about December is the whole holiday season. I love listening to Christmas music every day, seeing all the lights at night and the decorations during the day. I love taking the time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate it.
Here in Germany, my favorite December thing is definitely the Christmas Markets. German fair food, gluhwein, and Christmas crafts galore.
Following along today from
Thanks for hosting. I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll check out my blog
I follow you! I am looking forward to reading your tips!
You can find me at:
Thanks for following The Hickman Four, following back.
Thanks again for hosting - already a GFC friend! :)
Thanks for the fun!
December is great because it's Christmas time! I love the cosiness with candle lights and hot drinks
I love December because of the anticipation int he air and people are generally in a better mood. The office lightens up and theres alot of sharing...
but it also brings crazy traffic so its a toss up!
(debbie downer)
Fav thing about December?
Ok, Christmas, is obvious. But, I also used to love love everything about getting ready for the holiday. This month has been utter CHAOS! I'm dying for it to slow down so I can enjoy it before it's gone.
The Survival Mama
thanks for hosting
Thanks for hosting have a great Friday/weekend!
My favorite thing about december is my Peanut's birthday I don't think Hubby can ever beat her as the best Christmas present ever.
Thanks for following charmed design! I love your blog and am now a follower.
thanks for the linky!
came by looking for a way to make links pop up instead of leave the page...can't find it though..I know you had it..a little help, please :)
I love December because it is a time of coming together with Family and Friends!
Hi, Thank you for stopping by my blog and following. I am a new follower on your blog. Hope you have a great weekend
Hi, I'm your newest follower from BMBF. Happy Hoppin'!
Cent$ To Me
thanks so much for hosting. i love the first snow, too. well, the first snow that actually leaves it on the ground. what i really love about december is just the holiday feeling in the air...corny, right?!
I love the peaceful feeling of Christmas days.
Thanks for stopping by my blog - I'm following you back! I love your blog - it's so cute and I definitely think I'll be able to glean some good tips from you! :)
Howdy! I am new this week....
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog today! I've just followed and linked up with boost my blog friday!
Just joined your Boost My Blog Friday and now a follower! Thanks for hosting
Christmas Eve is my favorite thing about December.
Thanks for the great blog hop. As much as I hate to admit it my favorite part of December is the food!
I love Christmas so the entire month is special. The highlight is when the family gathers at our home Christmas eve and Christmas day. It is as the song says "The most wonderful time of the year".
I am part of the blog hop today and have become a follower. It would be great if you paid me a visit.
My favorite thing about December is Christmas :D
Joined in! Thank you for commenting on my blog, I added you to GFC.
I'm following
Copper Llama Studio
Hi, Thanks for hosting Boost My Blog Friday.
I'm a follower.
Really neat blog! I'm following and joined the hop too! Can't wait to look around and find some of the tutorials I've been curious about!
<3 Donna
Thanks for hosting this! I'm now following you! I hope you'll do the same! You can find me @
Sofia's Ideas
happy friday doll! I wish i could see some snow:) please post as many pics as possible:) Thanks! enjoy the weekend!
HI! I checked out your site earlier this week, have to admit I'm not sure how I found it, but it encouraged me to join the friday blog hop...thank you! I've already checked out a bunch of new blogs!
I'm a new follower!
Watching the boys play in the first good snow, listening to them laughing and planning forts and snowball fights, while I wait inside with hot cocoa.
I love your blog and all your helpful tips. I need to apply them! : )
IM new to this type of blog hop... LOVE it and am a new follower!
I am your newest follower! I love your blog! I found you through FFF! :)
My favorite thing about December is CHRISTMAS! I am a Christmas junkie! I love the snows, the lights, the music, the hot cocoa, the movies, Santa... and the celebration of Jesus' birthday! :)
Happy Hop Along Friday from Anna, The Pilot's Wife at
Happy to be following you now!
I haven't been by in awhile. I have to say my favorite thing about December is all of our holiday traditions.
Hope you are doing well.
I'm always looking for new bloggy buddies! Thanks for hosting!
I am a new follower of your wonderful and exiting blog. Thank you so much for having me! My favorite thing about December is winter decorating. I bring out the bright and colorful items just for the occasion. I love to decorate in gold, such as chargers with pine cones, potpori, berries and wreaths. Candles to give the room more light on those dark winter days. And of course December means Christmas season. We all know trees are an important and must have decoration to bring in the season. Every year I try to decorate the tree differently with a new and exciting theme. I change up the tree decorations just like I change up the every day decor. Winter time can be cold, dark, and somber, but to spice up my season by changing up decorating is my favorite pass time. This is my favorite part of December.
Hi! I'm so glad you found me, I'm following you right back! I really LOVE your's so cute! I have a new blog hop if you want to add it to your list? :) If so, you can find the HTML code on my blog under the "While You Were Here Wednesday" button.
Thanks bunches,
How to pick a favorite?!!
I guess my favorite item is the silver bells double bloom
design it chic button on blog #1
#2 clog button
following Jocelyn
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