It's simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
SO just make sure you link with us, follow me as the hostess (just cause i took the effort to babble here and add this form:P) and then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments, send them love notes and chocolate boxes *WOW scratch that last part:P* and don't forget to do the happy dance!
And as always, today I have another question for you guys:
What was the best day of your life so far?
I have many favorites days that i love and treasure, cause my life is awesome like that;) But the best day of my life was my wedding day! It was so perfect, so serene, my husband was so perfect and smiled at me all the way to the isle.. BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!! So what is yours??? I'm so curious of this one:)
Happy Friday!And don't forget to check Blogger tutorials for more blog-handy tips and easy HTML, plus you can check SEO orUnclutter tips for more improving your web traffic secrets!:) I'm out now!!

My favorite day is also my wedding day.
It would have to be followed by one especially great Christmas when I was a kid. It was the kind of Christmas that movies are made about. Just perfect.
Thanks for hosting again!
Hi New Follower Following you from FUN FOLLOW FRIDAY Havnt had the chance to go through youre whole Blog Hope yu check out My blog
I'm already a follower!
Happy FF!
Found you through Friendly Friday!! Now following!! Have a great weekend!!
Thanks for following! I am following you back now!
Thanks for hosting. I'm a new follower. Please visit my blog at http://www.diaryofachicmommy.com
Enjoy your Weekend!!
The best days of my life were when each of my children were born (well, not the first one - he was a very difficult delivery, lots of pain and puking, LOL). But, my other three deliveries were just about picture perfect and such wonderful experiences.
Have a great weekend!
Best day?...That is a hard one...I think the days when I can just sleep in and relax are the best days for me:)
Hugs and kisses,sweetie
Good Morning! I am a new follower! I love your blog tips.
The best day of my life was when each of my 3 children were born. Getting married to my love is a close second!
Thanks for hosting again! I can't come up with only one best day but a day at the beach ranks high!
I'm a new follower through new friend friday.
Thanks for following me! I'm glad you found me, love your blog! I'm hopping with you today! Thanks for the linky!
Already follow you! Checking in from Stash Mama!
Tiffany @ HGF
Thanks for the Linky!
Don't know if my comment took, following you back!
Oh, best day, the ones when I had each of my 5 kids!
Hi! I'm a new follower and new to the blog hop!
Happy Friday! The best dayS of my life were the days my kids were born, that's for sure!
Thanks for the linky! I was already following you with GFC. I posted your button here - http://thelifeofrylieandbrycetoo.blogspot.com/p/mmbutton.html. Stop by my blog and say hi if you get a chance.
Have a great day!
Hi! Hi! Following you, and the best day? Oh my goodness, just too many like the days my five children were born, meeting my husband, the day we married, the day my grand-children were born & every Christmas my whole life. Is that enough & those are only the days off the top of my head. Don't get me started if I start thinking about it. ~hehe~ Have a great weekend.
My best day is always today! Happy LUCKY Friday. Your blog is adorable. Found you on SITS girls blog.
@evelynwrites ;-)
hey there design it chic! thanks for visiting (and following) my blog!
i'll be back for more of the fun!
meantime, happy friday!
terry lee
I am now following and the best day of my life is undoubtedly the day i gave birth to my now 16 month old baby boy! I love what you're doing here and hope you'll stop by my blog. Happy weekend!
Best Day? Every time my daughter wraps her arms around my neck and says "love mommy much". Melts my heart everytime!
Thanks for following. Now I'm following you back! Happy Friday!
Thanks for the hop. I'm already a follower.
Please stop by sometime and say Hi.
Hey thanks for following and stopping by my blog (www.k-kronicles.blogspot.com)
You have a great site! love the colors!
The best day of my life...that is hard! My kids birthdays - the first year knowing I made it!
Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I'm excited about learning more about blogging from you. Love your blog design!
I found you through the hop. Great blog. Has lots of helpful info. Now following you.
Thanks for the follow, I returned the favor! Happy weekend!
Followed you from My Wee View! Your site is great! Can't wait to come and read more.
Thanks so much for following! Following you back!
I am your newest follower from Social Parade. Come by and check out my blog!
Just wanted to say thanks for participating in my blog hop - Friendly Wednesday! Hope to see you there next week!
I am following you back and thankyou for checking out my blog. I have been looking to add my signature to my blog. I am glad we became bloggy friends.
Missed the blog hop :( but just thought I stop by for a quick visit. Have a bless weekend!!
Finally following back from Buzz on by Thursday! I'll definitely check out your boost my blog next Friday!
:) Sara
Thanks for stopping by, I'm your newest follower. I added your hop to my Friday list. Have a great weekend!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!
You have a new follower, thanks for visiting me!
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