The topic for today is: how to make an ordered list!
This tutorial is going to be useful for those of you that hold giveaways and contests, but not only. I will explain how to create a numbered list, or ordered list, that makes it easier for you bloggers to introduce the people who enter your contests in it, or rank some winners in a contest, etc.
It's so easy you will wonder why didn't you do this earlier:) *I do that sometimes:P* Anyway.. Here's how it's done: you first need to open and close the list with these HTML tags:
Then you need to add this tag before and after every participant's name:
And that's kind of it:) Here's how it will look like when written in HTML:
And here's how it will turn out to be in real text:
- entry 1
- entry 2
- entry 3

That was way too easy!
oh my gosh! I love you for posting this! Thank you so much.. I can not wait to try it out!!
I learned this from the book, Blogging For Dummies but what's so hard about just numbering your list? I really don't see the advantage to bothering with the tags.
I adore your posts...So helpful:)
Happy Monday
Thanks for the tips! I am your newest follower from Marvoulous Monday! Hope you will swing by at
What a valuable blog you have hear. I know so many people that get confused over these things so give up. I'll share your link with those people.
Glad I found you through Follow Us Monday Morning
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog pocket full of pink! I appreciate your blog tips and I am excited to try them out! Have a great week-
Hi! I'm now following you. Love your blog! What great information! :-)
good info! following from MFM
I am just starting to get into more giveaways. This will help me a lot.
Thank you for stopping by and following me.
Thanks for the info. You are the best. :)
Follower stopping by to say hi on Making Friends Monday!
Thanks...this info helps so much!!
Thank you also for following my blog..fortheluvofsanity.blogspot.com.
I like your blog and am now a follower as well. I thought I'd alert you to a giveway or two that I have going on right now..and I'm hoping you will take a couple of minutes and enter them.
Love your blog - I need all the HTML help I can get! I'm following via Marvelous Monday Blog Hop and would love for you to check out my blog!
Hi! Thanks for following Original Mischief blog. Already a follower of yours. Monique xx
Hello there,
Thanks for the blog tips, it surely helps so much. Actually I've been followed you for quite some time.
Thanks again for sharing it with us and wish you a great Tuesday!
All the best,
Glad you found me on Tuesday Tag-along! You have some very helpful advice here. I will be stopping in again!
Following back!
I found you thanks to FMBT and am now a follower!
Hi, I am a new FMBT follower. I look forward to learn new bloggy tricks from you. Thanks!
hey thank you so much for commenting on my blog and thanks for the fantastic tips i will for sure be following, i hope that you get use out of my blog as well
Hi! Thanks for coming over to visit me at Delicious as Pie. I love, love, love your banner and background!
Kate (www.deliciousaspie.blogspot.com)
Thanks for stopping by. I'm always learning new html. Thanks for the info! I'm your newest follower from Tuesday Tag-along!
I'm here from the TTA. Thank you so much for checking out my blog and following. I am now following you as well. I can't wait to read up on all of your tips. I am always looking for easy to understand blogging tips. Love you website.
Stopping by from FMBT, I'm so excited to be following you now, Loving all your tutorials and tips! Thanks.
I am a new follower from FMBT and I love your blog!
I am a new follower from FMBT and I love your blog!
Thanks for stopping by - I am already following, but wanted to stop by to visit :)
Oh. I love your blog!! I am SO excited I found you today through FMBT. Thanks for all the GREAT tips. I am looking forward to trying some of them.
I love all these blogging tips! I have tried before to add numbers to my comments but was unsuccessful.
Hi! Just wanted to let you know about my MomsReview4You Wednesday blog hop! Would love it if you would come follow me and link up!
Thanks for all the tips, I always look forward to seeing what you come up with next.
Thank you for joining me at Follow Us Monday Morning!
I would love it, if you would come and join me at The Wednesday Window . The Wednesday Window is the place to link up your favorite blog post of the week, check out Frugality Is Free for more details.
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