1. Remove all the extra widgets that provide "secure commenting". They just add one more step for our readers to complete. And since they just want to drop us a line or two, sometimes more steps just make people give up and drive them away. So getting rid of that, will definitely make our readers' life much easier.
2. Lose the captcha image. You can add comment moderation to ensure that you receive no spam. But adding a captcha image on top of it, only adds one more step to the process, and there's no point in that. I always say you take one for the team, check through the spam in the background and spare your visitor of that unnecessary extra step.

3. Don't use different, colorful fonts for each individual comment. This step is only creating more distraction, and our goal is to keep distraction to a minimum. Too many colors create a visually cluttered field, and people often shift away from that.

5. Don't make individual pages for comments. It's easier to use a pop up window if you need, rather than a different page. Pop ups don't load as slow as a new page.. and remember not everybody is high tech. And people love things that load faster rather than slower:)
I guess this is it for the comments department uncluttering tips today.

I hate that captcha thing because sometimes I can't even tell what the letter is and then I have to do it again!
Great post:) thanks so much for sharing...You are so great with this stuff:)
Kisses my lovely
ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY, so please join in:)
How do you get the pop-up window versus it loading the post to leave a comment? Or is that an option? PS - I linked back to your site after taking your advice and cleaning out my sidebar:)
These really are great tips! I hate having to type in some crazy word just to leave a comment. Also, I like the idea of going by someone's blog and commenting on something instead of just replying back through e-mail. I'll have to start getting into the habit of doing that.
~The Speckled Dog
Thanks for the tips! Following you through the Wednesday blog hops. I sure would appreciate you returning the favor! www.jennifersikora.com
Thanks for the tips! I'll have to spend more time checking out more of you suggestions!
As always, helpful info. Thanks.
Following you bacak from Welcome Wednesday.
Good tips :) I just removed the word verifcation from my comments. Hope it makes it easier on people entering my giveaways
New follower (Happi Shopr) from Wobble Over Wednesday. Great advice! I look forward to reading more on your blog.
I have an award for you on my blog!
Captcha's drive me nuts! People should really take your advice and ditch them!
Great advise!! Check, check and check!
I have gotten way behind on everyones blogs, shame on me. I am attempting to get caught up, which is quite a task I might add.
Make sure you zoom over and check out all the new changes to my blog. I have tons of new giveaways too, new one posted all the time!!
Stay Fabulous
Great suggestions here. I think I pretty much follow what you suggest. And you're right, I get frustrated and give up when I have to do all those extra steps just to publish a post.
Thanks. I love reading your suggestions and helpful-hints. I have to admit, though, that some of them are over my head, but they still sound worthwhile.
I was browsing around and came up with a question for you. What's your opinion of the music players that people are adding to their blogs these days? You tell me your answer and I'll tell you that I don't think I like them. I can't concentrate on what I'm reading and looking at with that music going on. And you can't always find the player to turn it off. Now....what do YOU think?
Interesting! Maybe you are right...maybe I should get rid of the feeder (is that what its called?)...after all, I've never rejected any comments.
Then again, I'm a bit of a "CONTROL FREAK" - plus, I worry I'll not see something.
Thanks for following my blog. Not sure why you are doing this.
I feel it sucks design-wise. Not really computer savvy.
I appreciate anything new I can learn!
I love your blogging tips! I've read most of them. do you have one for customizing or adding fonts for blogger? I am your follower.
Love all of this... very useful advice! :) Hazel
Stopping by from Buzz on by Thursday.
I hate this captcha thingy...I'm always kinda put off by it when I want to comment on someone else's blog.
I'm a new follower^^
Great tips! Thanks for sharing. Buzzing By...Happy Thursday! :o) Larri at Seams Inspired
Sorry I’m a bit late in getting back to you. Thanks for the follow, right back at’cha! Hope I can share some deal and reviews you can use :)
Thanks for the tips. some of these I use already, I've been following you for a while now.
Wonderful tips..following you on Thirsty Thursday. Hope you'll stop by my blog and follow me too:)
Hi new follower here from Thirsty Thursday;) I'm new to blogging so your blog is a lifesaver for me! Love the tips!!
New follower from Think of me Thursday. Feel free to check my blog out and leave any feedback :)
Great tips! I definately don't have the clutter issue. In fact, I have been pondering whether to put my favorite blogs' buttons on my home page instead of the seperate "Favorites" page I currently have..
So many sites don't consider you a follower unless you post it where every one will see it right away!?
But I really like it the way it is...you've been there what do you think?
Oh, and I'm going to join, k?
Those are great tips. :) I'm a new follower and thank you for following me. :)
I can't tell you how much I enjoy being a part of your "boost my blog" blog hop each week. Thank you for commenting on my blog to let me know about it. I am hoping that you'll return some blogger love and stop by my blog today for my brand new blog hop for creative gals like yourself. It starts today and I welcome your linking up to meet more creative folks! thanks so very much, Roz at La Bella Vita
HI there just stopping by from the Boost my blog Friday stop by and say Hi and tell me why your smiling this Friday.
Found you from BMBF. I agree the captcha should go. Thanks for the tips!
Once again thank you for another informative posts, I always know I can find help here.
Thank you for participating in the The Wednesday Window @ Frugality Is Free . I hope you will join me again for this week’s Wednesday Window, the 9/1 Wednesday Window opens up tonight at 10 p.m.
I like the pop up comments, and was wondering if there's a way to number the comments without losing the pop up ability? If I plan on hosting more giveaways, this would definitely come in handy :)
Thanks and thank you for following ;)
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