Hi all!! Mid week, so we'll clean our blog a bit, to keep up the "unclutterness". Yup that's right, today we'll look into few ways of helping your blog look cleaner by focusing on the posts.
So here it goes:
1. Use fewer but relevant words for your post title. I am sure all of you are good writers, plus everybody has its own unique style, but when it comes to post titles, you got to keep them short and catchy. Nothing turns a reader off like a long dragging title, that by the time they finish reading they forgot what was all about:) I know it's a challenge nonetheless, but it's so worth it, especially since this is also a SEO trick:)

2. Write blocks of text. Even if the content of the post is useful, sometimes the way it's displayed is what makes the difference. Concentrate the essence of the information on different paragraphs. This way your readers will be guided visually on where different "sub-topics" are starting and where they're ending. It must sound stupidly simple, but surveys proved it's working.
3. Alternate with pictures, but don't overload. Pictures are a useful tool to break down the text, but unless you're a photography site, then pictures must remain just tools not become the posts themselves. Ok you can indulge yourself a little treat and throw a post only with pictures once in a while, but at some point readers will want to hear your voice too. And plus the bigger the pictures, the slower the site will load. Plus it'll be more likely that you'll be losing your text among loads of images:) So upload pictures with measure and make your voice heard!

4.Lose the post footer gadgets and stickers. I think i might become obsessed with this gadgets thing, but i can't stress enough how big of a difference it makes to get rid of these unnecessary gadgets that only make the page load slower and add clutter to your blog. By all means, don't get me wrong, gadgets are good, but not all of them and not over-used. You can use the footer of your posts for creating a well constructed linking web that is more SEO appropriate and drives you more hits.
5. Post your signature. I know most people find blog signatures just a designing tool, but indeed it's more than just that! How many great artist had ever created a piece of art without stamp it with their signature? Well not too many! So even if the scale is waaaaay different, why not treat each post as a piece of art and leave your mark behind?!? Plus.. think of it, wouldn't that be the last words/image your readers will be left with when they'll leave your blog??
Also this is another important part of building your blog's brand, but this is another topic for another time:)
That's it for today! Hope it helped!
Check back to see what comes up next in Blogger tutorial section, SEO tips department or how we teach new HTML tricks and tips every day!
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Nice Blog...
Thanks for the tips and for following our blog! Now following yours and looking forward to reading more of your helpful tips!
Carrie A Groff
I love these posts. I learn so much. I'd love you to pop over and seemy blog,Modern Country Style.If you have a moment.
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Thanks for stopping by my blog.... I'm your newest follower... :)
Great tips! Thanks for following my blog. I'm your newest follower :)
That is such a great post.Also,congrats to the winner:)
Ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY today :) Hope you will join in :)!!!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you back!
I love the tip about gadgets at the end of posts... I dislike that very much! I am always distracted by those while I am searching for the tiny "comment" button.
Happy Wednesday!
Thanks for becoming a follower! I followed you back :) I'm looking forward to learning some new tips from your blog!
Follow back from the Blog Hop www.athomemoma.com
Hi! I just found you through Welcome Wednesday and am definitely going to be a follower. I could definitely use some blog help!
Stop by and check it out!
Love these tips!
Hey :)
I am following from Wobble Over Wednesday
Thanks for the blog tips.I'm new to this so still setting everything up and finding my way :)
I'm your newest follower via WW.
Hi thanks for following me. I love your blog! Following you back now!
Thanks for visiting my blog for Welcome Wednesday, now I'm one of your followers too, your blog is fabulous! I'm just getting started blogging and I don't really know what I'm doing yet, so I probably will be needing your help in the near future.
Thank you for the great tips! Can't wait to come back and learn more! No following you...
Such great tips. Thanks!
One of my pet peeves is when bloggers "forget" to insert paragraphs for each of their new ideas. I guess that's just the high school English teacher in me, huh? SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!
<a href="http://scholastic-scribe.blogspot.com/2010/09/accident-waiting-to-happen.html>An Accident Waiting to Happen</a>
We are your newest followers!!! We would love it if you would follows us back@!!!
Julie and Adele
The Coupon Cents Sisters
Followed you! http://Heavencents.blogspot.com
Thanks for the follow, I am now following you back!
Thanks for visiting and following my blog and I am happily following you back! What a wonderful blog and resource!
We now follow you!!! Not sure but we followed you this morning but the comment never posted!!!
Thank so much for checking us out and we will check out your tips!!
Julie and Adele
The Coupon Cents Sisters!!
Great tutorial and cute blog!
Follower from tbh. I'd love for you to stop by my blog and follow back!
Of course I am following you!!!! You have a fabulous blog!! Thanks for stopping by mine!!!
I'm now following you back thanks for stopping by my blog
These are great tips. It's really hard to keep a clean and crisp looking blog because there are so many buttons with different dimensions. But I agree less clutter is a very good thing.
Hi, I just found your blog from a hop, and am so glad that I did! I'll definitely be adding you to my daily reads!
Thanks for all the great tips! Hope you follow back !
Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you back. Can't wait to check out your tips!
New follower here from the blog hop!
hmmm, I never thought about the text links being more SEO friendly for "you might like" than the pictures...I'll have to think about that!
Thanks for stopping by my blog hop! My blog is always a wreck in progress and I probably violate every rule! LOL
Your site has SO much GREAT information!!
Thanks so much for stopping by Sew Super Sweet! I appreciate the visit and the follow! :)
Thanks for stopping by today! I'm following you back and looking forward to more of your great tips!
Those are some great ideas. I don't have a signature- kind of thought it was a no brainer...but really good point! I'll have to add one.
I'm visiting on the blog hop and am now following. I would love if you would follow back.
Wow, what a great help !!
I'm so interested with your post about"Posting your signature"
Thank you so much for sharing
And if you have a chance, please come over my blog and leave your comments about my blog. thank you
Citra @ innocentia
I like the signature tip.
Coolio, just over from Flog Yo Blog Friday, Awesome blog x
Hi there,
am visiting from Java's over 40s blog hop. Great advice and timely too as I am wanting to up the ante and re-invent my blog over the next two months.
Will be back to learn more!
Cate :-)
Great blog you have here!!
What great advice!! As a new blogger, I need to read more advice like this. Thanks for sharing!
And thanks for visiting over at Ten June!
xo- M
Thanks for join my Blog Hop,
"Friday Follow New Friend"
Hope you have a nice day.
(I'm following you)
Hi, I found you through New Friend Friday and am looking forward to all of your tips and tricks to improve my blog!
I'm now following!
Hi. I'm your newest Friday Follower. Hope you will follow me too!
Coming over from 40s blog hop. You have a lot of useful information here. I am following.
Your tips are very good. I think the "sign it" one is good especially because you should have a sense of ownership.
I am your newest follower. I found you on Follow 40 Friday.
~Naila Moon
Thanks for the sweet tips!
Thank you for stopping by! I am a new "follower" of your site. Your site is very pretty...I will be back!!!
Missy Schranz
I so agree with the gadgets, etc. I have left many blogs and not bothered reading them because they were all gadgets and no content. If the page takes too long to load I leave it and usually don't go back.
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