It's simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
SO just make sure you link with us, follow me as the hostess (and leave me a comment so i know you follow me and return the love back:) and then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments, send them love notes and chocolate boxes *WOW scratch that last part:P* and don't forget to do the happy dance!
If you join with us on Boost My Blog Friday, please take your time and leave a comment, so we know you're participating with us and maybe pay you a visit:) Thanks!
And as always, today I have another question for you guys:
If you were to compare yourself with one of the Friends characters, which one would you be?? Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, Chandler, Joey or Ross?
I have to say most likely Monica. I'm a perfectionist and i don't accept losing at anything:P I'm a bad liar and also a clean freak. And I talk a lot.. and fast:) i have just a bit of Rachel, as in fashion inclined, but that stops there.. so I must go with Monica this time:) What about you tough?? Who would you be if you were to compare with one of the Friends characters? DO share!!
Happy Friday!
And don't forget to check Blogger tutorials for more blog-handy tips and easy HTML tutorials, plus you can check SEO or Unclutter tips for more improving your web traffic secrets!:) I'm out now!!

If you follow me from any of these hops or something else, let me know so i can come check your blog back;)
Oh and don't forget to sign in our amazing trick or treat giveaway while it still lasts!

Hey! Thanks for hosting this meme, and I had to leave a comment telling you how wonderful I think your blog is! Your design is pretty, and your content is great!
Please keep it up, I've followed you for more. :D
Best Wishes,
●▬▬▬๑۩Tina @ Book Couture۩๑▬▬▬●
Hey! I linked up! I think we are both already following each other, but I'm not sure.lol I just wanted to comment to let you know I'm linked up.
NEw follower, and linked up! Thanks for hosting.
I'd like to think I'm a little bit of the three...I have Monica's love of cooking, Phoebe's quirkyness, and Rachel's undying love. :)
Hi this is Nicole from ColiesKitchen.com I am just dropping by to say hi for Follow Friday blog hop!! Have a super weekend!! I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance. www.colieskitchen.com
Hi! I'm a new follower from the blog hop, and I look forward to reading some of your blogger tricks!
xoxo, Erin
Happy Friday!
Hi There!
Thanks so much for hosting this hop!
As for the question, I would say personality-wise I'm more like Rachel, but in terms of interests (all things domestic) I am like Monica. Fun question; I love Friends:)
Have a great weekend!
I am already a follower from Over 40 stopped by to say hello and decide to hop with you..
Hi, my first time in here.. Yeah, I am following you so hope you will check out my blogs and hope that at least one of my blogs appeal to you.. :)
Well, as for you question, I am more Rachael, I guessed.. I didn't finish watching the entire series since it stopped airing in Singapore.. I am more of like having songs or music played in my head.. Hahahah.. Alright, hope to see you in any of my blogs soon..
Krislin (Syracuse Pike)
I love your blog, im your follower and participate in link party. follow me please.
I'm a follower! :-)
Following back!! Thanks so much!!
Sadly, I think I am most like Phoebe, at least at this point in my life. A little scattered at times, a little ditzy, but have a BIG heart.....
Hi I'm following! Add your blog link to my long weekend blog hop to help increase your blog traffic! (ends sunday so come in whilst you can!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just became a follower of yours. :-)
I think I am a combination of Phoebe and Monica. I'm a vegetarian and a believer in animal rights but I am also a perfectionist and a neat freak! Interesting combo. :-)
I saw you on "along for the ride" and I notice you do blog tutorials and since I am new I wondered how to grab folks' buttons. I see really cute things and would like to help spread the word, but I just don't know how. Is there a post on your site for that?
TIA for any help. Be blessed,
Thanks for stopping by for NFF. I am returning the follow and joined your hop! Looking forward to reading your blog!
Amy @ Missional Mama
Thanks for the linky!
Just found your blog. Thanks for the blog boosting party. Can't wait to read your tips and advice. Happy Friday!
Thanks for join my Blog Hop,
"Friday Follow New Friend"
Hope you have a nice day.
(I'm following you)
I follow you! Thanks for hosting!
It's nice to try new things I added me to the list for your hop...have a great day..
I'm here on your blog hop- I already follow- but wanted to join in on your question. I'm probably a mix of Phoebe ( I can be a little squirrely, but very devoted to my friends)and Rachel(love fashion, love my child, and love the guy)....although I would LOVE to have a friend like Monica...maybe she would clean (I mean cleeeaaaan) my house.
Hi there,
I have signed up as a follower of your blog and Boost my Blog Friday. Thanks!
I would say I'm mostly Rachel with a little bit of Phoebe thrown in. I'm following you now!
I follow you already. Thanks for the Blog Hop!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I am now following you. As a new blogger I think I could learn a lot here!
where is your follow button...it looks disappeared, i want to follow you:) wendy at heavencents.blogspot.com
Following from Follow New Friends quality Time
Hi! Thanks for stopping by Scribbles From Emily! I appreciated you comment. I'm glad I found your blog, I'm always looking for new ideas. I'm following you now and looking forward to reading your posts!
Following you back from NFF! I'm definitely a Monica... self-proclaimed perfectionist neat-freak.
I'm following and all linked up! Stop in and link back!! http://goo.gl/syX1
This is great! I can't wait to check out all those other blogs :)
I'm also going to have to go with Monica. Except I'm a good liar. And i don't know if i'd go for someone with Chandler's personality. But loud & OCD sounds like me HeeHee :)
Thanks for hosting. I am linked up and posted the button.
I'm here for Boost My Blog Friday :-)
Carrie A Groff
New follower here! Thanks for the follow at http://knockedupandnursing.blogspot.com
All linked up! Also posted your link here http://blog.cornwarmerz.com/p/blog-hops.html
Thanks for the SEO tips BTW.
Phoebe I am nuts like her...LOL
I am definitely a Monica. Wish I had the money of Rachel and the Happy-go-lucky attitude of Phoebe, though.
I started following you this week, and really appreciate the tips.
New follower from Friday's Blog Hop, Hope to share my posts with you.
Cecelia @ moneysavvymama.blogspot.com
Now following you! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I'm so excited to be a part of all this Friday fun!!! :-)
I think I'd be a mix of Monica and Phoebe. Yes, I know it's an odd mix, but I'm sort of an eclectic perfectionist. ;)
Hey thanks for following me! I followed back and entered Boost My Blog Friday!
I'm following you on GFC. Would love a follow back. http://christianclipper.com
Thanks for following my blog... following you back and I'm so glad to have found you. I need design and blog-boosting tips!! Thanks so much! This is amazing.
Thanks for following me on Tuesday Tag Along and leaving a comment. Your blog has lots of helpful tips for a new blogger so I'll be coming back!
I am now following from the Thirsty Thursday blog hop. If you haven't already please come by and follow me back thanks
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