Hi all!! Today we'll clean our blog's homepage a bit, to keep up the "unclutterness". Yup that's right, we'll look into few ways of helping your blog look cleaner by focusing on the homepage.
Your homepage is the first thing your readers see, so it acts like your business card. You have just a few seconds to hook up your readers, or else they'll leave you like a wet puppy in the streets. So thanks to that, you must prep up your homepage fields for reader-stickiness. So here it goes:
1. The first thing you need to target your attention to is your banner/flash animation. Is it representative for what your blog theme is? Does it have your blog's name in it? Does it have a subtitle that fades away the name?
For instance, if you are a blogger that talks about homeschool ideas, then your blog can't have this combination: name - Homeschool 101 and banner/flash animation - gothic elements. They are ok in particular, but they don't go together. You have to make sure that both of them say the same thing.

2. Once you took care of the first impact step, you need to make sure that your homepage content is the spokesman of your blog. The homepage content acts like a great ad banner for the rest of your blog. So if for instance you have an Etsy business and your blog is a way of unwrapping what goes behind it, then you need to make sure your blog's homepage has features of your products and you can also include a small link to your Etsy shop. This way your homepage remains a great spokesman and a portal to the inside of your blog but also becomes an advertising platform for your outside Etsy store.
3. Next important thing on your homepage is information availability! That means you need to have your information clearly compartmentalized and placed in the most eye-focus available spot. If your blog takes on adopting a baby, fertility problems and family support, then that should be your compartmentalized information. Create an easy access path for those topics and keep them in the eye-focus spot. It will act like a portal to the rest of your blog and this way your readers will know from the beginning what you're up to. So find your unique style to remain clear and available with your information.

4. Last but not least, avoid dated content and broken links on your homepage, as they will harm your blog's credibility. If your links(that represents a path to a certain page of your blog) are broken then the reader mind works like this: "eh.. not working.. let's see what this other site has". You need to regularly review your blog, removing old content and updating information. Double check to see if every link is usable and every information you offer on your homepage stays up to date. Nothing turns off a reader than a homepage about fashion and a blog about cloth diapering. Not that they're not both fun, but because diapering and fashion they're no PB&J:)
That's kind of it for today. I hope these tips will help create more decluttered homepages and bring more readers to your blog:)
Now check back to see what comes up next in Blogger tutorial section, take a look at the SEO department for more tips to improve your blog's traffic or join us to learn new HTML tricks and tips every day!
Oh and I just forgot to announce that the winner for Swizzlestix retro-modern giveaway from last week:

Those are really great tips, thanks
Kisses, my dear
Ps: I am hosting a ban.do headband GIVEAWAY later today! Please, join in!
great tips :) thanx
My problem is I am a widget junkie. There are so many I like!
thanks for the lovely blog post - I agree 100% - declutter, declutter, declutter !!! :)
have an awesome day
Betty Bake Blog
I took your advice from a post last week and talked about you in my post today! Come check it out if you have time...you always have such great ideas : )
Another great informational post - thanks!
Nice post! Thanks for advice.
Great tips!!
Thanks for linking up to my blog hop!
Thanks for following Money Savvy Mama! I'm your newest follower. Have a nice day!
Cecelia @ moneysavvymama.blogspot.com
I'm a new follower! I'm looking forward to all your blog tips.
interesting tips.
Thanks for the follow.
I've followed back
I have a questioin maybe you can help with...
Check out my blog http://marinegflove.blogspot.com
See the tabs? Why are they grey?!?!?! How can I fix this? None of the settings in Advanced fix it, I've tried.
Thanks for following my blog! I'm now following you back :)
I liked your article today and wanted to subscribe to your newsletter but can't seem to find where to subscribe. Maybe leave a comment on my blog with the instructions?
Thanks, Misty
Great tips! I'll have to go look at mine critically.
Great tips! Thanks for the info. Saw you on the blog hop. Stop by when you get the chance:
Great tips! I've been feeling like my homepage needs some re-vamping...
Just wanted to let you know, I hopped over from Moonangelnay Blog Hop and follow you know. Great Blog!
Thanks so much for the follow! I can't wait to dig into your blog, looks very interested.
New Follower Love your blog!
Thanks for the great tips...I think it is def easy to get carried away with all the widgets! And thanks for stopping by the RLM. I'm glad you did so I found your site and am happy to say I am your 2000 follower!!
Thanks for following. I am now following back.
Thanks Frugal Couponing Mommy
Following from Almost Friday Blog Hop :)
Hope you can come follow back: http://stealingroceries.com/
hi, thanks for following my blog, I'm following you as well, nice blog keep it up :-)
Great tips, I plan on implementing this weekend!
I'm a new follower just stopping by to say hello! Stop by my blogs when you can!
Have a great day!
Jen Maddox
Thanks for stopping by. I'm now following you back. Great posts. I know they're going to help me out. http://lifewithabigfamily.blogspot.com/
Hello! Following you from the Almost Friday blog hop at http://www.inspirationinnovation.blogspot.com
Great Tips! I am your newest follower from Ten Little Fingers, Ten Tiny Toes! I have been working on creating my blog to be the mommy blog that I want it to be. I look forward to reading more of your tips to help me do this.
Out Blog Hopping This Think of Me Thursday!
New GFC follower ~ Love your blog~
~Please come follow me~
Great tips!! As a person who designs websites for people, I am big on making sure things look put together, but in style and you can easily access information. I think I do that well with my blog, but like you said I need to find my niche...and well my only niche just like many bloggers out there is that I'm a mom...with well...just two hands! LOL
I'm also big on finding important things on a person's blog without scrolling forever to find it. Sometimes its hard when you have a lot of content though.
Would love for you to stop by my blog and give me your critique.
I'm stopping by from the thursday blog hop and following you. :)
Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs
Blog hopper here. Great site!
- Kim @ 2 Kids and a Coupon
Following you back, and I must say I like what I see. So much good content here! I'll be wasting lots of time reading through here and fiddling with my blog.
Thanks for the great tips!
Valerie @ Lets Just Give It Away
Love your tips! Thanks for linking to Fantabulous Friday!
Really great tips!
Thank you for following me - I am already a follower of yours! :-)
Happy Halloween.
Just found this & I am so excited. Trying to figure out this whole blog thing and somedays I think I'm ok and others... so I intend to read all your great advice and hopefully get people to read my blog! one day:)
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