Hi all! New week again and today we'll be discussing about an issue each and any one of us would be interested in: how to make our computer secure. Since most of us use computers on a daily basis, either at work or at home, we rely on them to keep our information safe. But how safe is "safe"? Do we take all measures to prevent damages happening? What are the basics anyone should know when it comes to securing our computers?
Thanks to these question, our topic for today is: how to protect your computer!

1. First thing that anyone should be aware of is that computers at work are not secure. They might be somewhat secure for the company you're working for, but when it comes to your personal security, they don't go that far. Your employee has the right to surveillance of your electronic correspondence and even trace your activity online, including passwords and everything you do that is stored in the company's system. So when you use the computer at work, remind yourself that even surfing the internet, exposes you to a greater risk.
2. On the other hand when it comes to your personal computer, there are a few things that might help you prevent identity theft and other personal information damages. One thing that anyone should consider is having a reliable and up-to-date security software. Every computer comes with these softwares pre-installed, but they are available for only a limited amount of time unless paying a subscription. It is however very important that you have a paying security software, because those are generally more up to date with the latest threads that might corrupt your system.
3. Opening into details, one security step that anyone should take is having an anti-virus software, that protects you against data damage, computer crashes or slow performances. They work in patterns when looking for mallware, and since the viruses develop by day, your anti-virus should be up to date too. At the same time, having two anti-viruses actively running on your computer is not recommendable, and it doesn't ensure you of a more secure environment.

4. Another security measure you should have is a Firewall, that prevents data entering or leaving your computer without your permission. It blocks unauthorized actions coming from outside of your computer and gives you a cloak of protection when browsing on internet. There are software firewalls(programs) and hardware firewalls(routers), that can be run in the same time. However running two softwares at the same time is not advisable. In both cases, without the properly configuration, they won't serve your needs at their best.
5. To make your security system stronger, it is important to run an anti-spyware software on your computer as well, as it protects you against Trojan horses and other ad-ware and spyware that may be installed in your system and gathers information of you on the internet(including passwords and other personal information) without you even knowing. Spyware generally comes attached to other softwares you're installing, so make sure you limit your program installation to minimum and only by authorized companies. Because even small things as installing a music player or a new toolbar for your browser, or even clicking on a pop-up box while on the internet, could lead spyware right into your computer's files.
6. Another must-do to protect your computer is maintain you wireless connection security. Since a WiFi network doesn't require cable connection and just to be within the wireless access area, it can be easily high jacked by attackers around the area that discover an unprotected connection. So whenever you enter personal information such as your social security number, bank information or passwords, make sure you are on a page that encrypts information or that your WiFi connection is encrypted. If that's not the case, using a VPN that encrypts over an un-encrypted WiFi connection or checking for SSL certificates on all websites you're using personal information on(making sure the URL starts with "https://"), can make the difference.

7. Using a secure browser on internet is also vital to your personal security. Between the two most used browsers, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer, the experts tend to give more props towards Firefox, since it has proven a faster way of fixing bugs thanks to its open source nature and effective security add-ons. Some of the most used Firefox add-ons are "adblock plus" - a customizable filters-army that prevents certain banners or adverts to pop up, thus lowering the possibility of spyware installed in your files. Another useful add-on is "no script" - a customizable security tool that allows JavaScript and other executable content to run only from trusted domains of your choice. Or even "better privacy" - a safeguard tool that protects you against not deletable long-term cookies placed in your central system folder like LSO or DOM Storage.
That's kind of it for today, i hope these basics were helpful and I hope now everyone can have more secure computers:)
Now check back to see what comes up next in Blogger tutorial section, take a look at the SEO department for more tips to improve your blog's traffic or join us to learn new HTML tricks and tips every day!

Hope you had a lovely weekend
My husband take care of our computer security...I'm going to forward this to him : )
Great Tips!
I'm loving how much I get to avoid now with my Mac.
The Survival Mama
Hiya, this is a great post, I often find it surprising sometimes how little home users know about computer security and this is very thorough:)
I wanted to let your readers know of something that happened me last week re security. Apparently it is doing the rounds. I got a phone call from someone claiming to be from a company that sounded something like CompuB (he spoke very fast with a heavy accent) and he wanted me to open up my computer. I didn't, apparently they give you an address to key in to check that you computer doesn't have a virus (the pretence of calling) but actually they hack into your computer via the web address.
He refused to answer my questions about where he got my name and telephone number and when I kept nagging him he hung up.
Just a tipoff for your readers. Maybe it will help someone who gets a call like that.
Thanks for joining us again for MFM! I always love having you and reading your tips! Have a great week!
Thanks for this - I learned a lot!
Great tips! Now following you from Making Friends Monday!
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Hello Thanks for following me, I'm already a follower, I spent a long time reading all your tutorials on Friday, alot of great info.
Hi there! Following you back now - cute blog!
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Hey smart lady! From one geek to another -- me LIKEY! Good job.
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thanks for the article! and thanks for following our site. Following you back from He Cooks, iEat at www.lifewiththechambs.blogspot.com
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Coastal Couponer
These are great tips and it's a wonderful reminder of why I love my MAC so much. Found you via SITS!
New Follower. Love your Blog! Thanks for the great info! xoxoxoxox
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I wish I had found you a long time ago. Love finding out new things about blogging and computers! Have a great day!
Great article chica! I had my ID stolen from online when I created a new account at BoA, boy was that sucky. Got it all cleared up, but I guess my anti-virus-whatever was outdated. Not. Fun.
And thanks for following back!
Michelle @ Military Wives Saving
Thank you for stopping by and following my blog. I've returned the favor. I've been reading your bog for over an hour now. Very useful information for someone like me.
Thanks for sharing.
LOVE your blog! I think I'll find lots of great tips here! Thanks for the follow, glad to follow you back! ;)
Interesting article! Thanks for this helpful tip in taking care of our computers. I'm your new follower here.
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Thanks for linking up with the Tuesday Train! Have a wonderful week.
Amazing blog - I'm your latest follower! Thx a mil for all these great tips/lessons, I'm quite new at this and feel a bit like a sponge right now, absorbing it all!
Will certainly be back often! :)
Thanks for visiting The Everyday Mommy. I am delighted to follow you back!
Thankfully my super security sweetie take care of all this stuff for me. He's an engineer at google so I feel pretty safe! LOL Great idea to share the tips with folks not quite so lucky!
Hi!! Following from Tag along Tuesday! Great computer advice. Another one is backing up your computer once or twice a month! You don't want to loose all those baby pictures! My husband works in IT and that is his biggest pet peeve with people.
Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs
Good to know tips!
I found you on Tuesday Tag A long and now follow you publicly!
Great blog! Please chk mine out at www.mybabysgreenblog.com
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Whitney's Random Ideas
Very useful basic info. Thanks!
These are great tips.
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