Hi everybody! Today is Friday, that means it's time again to catch up with Boost My Blog Friday here on Design It Chic!

For those of you new here, it's very simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
So just make sure you link with us, follow us as the host (and leave us a comment so we know you follow us and return the love back:) and then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments,
If you join with us on Boost My Blog Friday, please take your time and leave a comment, so we know you're participating with us and maybe pay you a visit:) Thanks!
And as always, today we have another question for you:
Sugar or Splenda(or any other sweetener)?
Well most of the times we use honey instead. It's just more natural and it's even recommended by doctors in so many affections. If we're out of honey we go for sugar, but the queen bee is much happier when we have some of that golden sweetness in our cupboard:) Now what's your story? Just share your sweetening deal here with us and also find out what other fellow bloggers opted for too:) Now let's get this party started!
And, if you missed anything here at Design It Chic, you can check the Blogger tutorial section for more blog tutorials, the SEO department for more tips to improve your blog's traffic or check out the Unclutter tips column for more tips on making your blog clean and easy to access! Happy Friday all!

Excited to be in the blog hop and meet new people. Thanks so much for offering.
Have a great day
Joining in today :)
Hello :) Sugar for me! I know it's bad for you but I'd rather take natural badness for synthetic - plus aspartame gives me a terrible headache :)
Your blog rocks btw!
Liaa x
(paper + craft = bliss)
Love all your tips and boost my blog friday. thanks for helping out us little guys. ;)
I'm already a follower to your blog! Thank you so much for hosting this hop :)
What a great blog! I'm a follower now and I love your helpful tipps!
Best tutorials ever. Thanks a bunch.
I posted your button on my blog.
Have a lovley weekend!
Joining this hop again. Thanks SO much for hosting. :D
Linked you up today. Your blog is very helpful with great information. New follower.
Splenda...still on a diet! Following cause I love "no rules" feel naughty...have a great weekend.
I'm so glad it's Friday! Sugar for me - but my boys love their honey! (OK, that sounded funny.....)
TGIF! Actually I use both.. splenda and sugar!
Thanks for this awesome blog hop! I'm a follower and love to join in on the blog hop to meet new people! :)
I love all your blog tips and thanks for this opportunity to boost my blog!
Hiya! Great blog! Thanks for following and for the hop :)
It's my first blog hop with you and I'm loving it! Great to find some new stars to follow xx
Yay! Thanks so much for the party! Happy Friday!
I'm your newest follower and stopping over from the friday blog hop. come by and say hello. I have an English themed homemaking blog. blessings to you! katie
Sugar for me. The other fake stuff is just too unnatural and 'bad' to say the least.
Thanks once again for hosting this party!
As for the question, definitely sugar for me though on occasion I switch to honey!
Thanks for the Blog Hop! I'm in for sure. Mommy Who Loves Giveaways It's gonna take me a while to follow everyone above me here, but I will! LOL!
My second week of your blog hop. I'm looking forward to reading some new blogs. Thank you for hosting!
hi! following and playing along today :) xoxo jcd
Thanx for hosting Boost My Blog....my second week here....thankyou also for all the tips and tutorials...they help heaps and I am actually learning stuff lol
Thank you for hosting! I joined in and am following you via GFC.
http://thesteadyhand1.blogspot.com/. Have a great weekend!
Yaaay! I'm new to this blog hop idea, but it sure is fun. Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for stopping by Claremont Avenue :-) Turns out my Grandpa loves bringing us old books too, so your idea is perfect! I joined your blog hop, became a follower and listed your blog on my "link parties" page.
Happy Friday to you as well!
For last several months, I've been using Splenda in my tea primarily. When I bake, I still use sugar. I love honey, but my family is allergic to it. However, on rare occasions I do eat with biscuits.
~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
Check out…
Confused? Annoyed? Me, too! post.
What’s in Your Wallet? post.
Thanks for sending the invite!! Have a great Friday!!
First time linking up to your blog hop, looking forward to to checking out all these blogs...
Thanks for following me from Frugal Novice Friendly Friday...thanks for hosting as well! Looking forward to reading your blog via GFC!! Happy weekend!
Happy Friday! I hope you can follow me back at BeeCute
Thanks for the linky!
Thank you for hosting another wonderful week, hope everyone is looking forward to a fun weekend!!
Hi, I'm joining your list today. Thank you so much for doing this.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Thank for visiting my blog! Have a great weekend!
Hi! I just linked up!
Thanks 4 hosting:0)
Happy Friday, doll faces!! =)
I prefer sweetened condense milk :)
I've never done a blog hop before but saw it on a friend's blog and it looks like fun! I'm a new follower! :-)
Rachel @ Maybe Matilda
Joining today's blog hop. Thanks for hosting!
Yay! Back again and ready to play :D
Friiiiday, Friiiiiday, everybody loves Friiiiday!
No sweetner here. This Mommy is sweet enough. Happy Friday :)
Thanks for hosting a hop with so few rules and regs!! Some of them just get so ridiculous with their requirements...it takes all the fun out of it!
Honey is first on our list, followed by sugar/brown sugar, then Splenda. Almost no (sometimes it slips through) saccharin or aspartame for us.
Thank you so much for hosting we are yoyr newest followers!
Thanks for hosting! =)
Thanks for hosting!!
I've followed you for a while but am linking up for the first time today ~ thanks for hosting!
New follower from Friday blog hop. Please return the follow.
Definitely sugar! Visiting again! Love this blog hop and the tutorials! :)
Linking today for the first time! Thanks!
Sugar - always! Organic sugar, but sugar nevertheless!
Thank you for this linky...I truly appreciate it!
Oh! Forgot to say I am here from the Weekend Blog Hop!
Thanks for hosting!!
I'd have to say sugar...artificial sweeteners give me a headache :(
Hi there! I'm already a follower of your awesome blog from a while ago. Thanks for hosting. Joining your linky. Have a great weekend! :)
New follower from the blog hop. Thanks for hosting! And to answer your sugar question, we do both! Sugar in our cooking and things that take a lot of it since its cheaper, but Splenda in our drinks like sweet tea or coffee. Odd maybe, but its the best of both for us, somewhat less calories without too bid a dent in the budget! Have a great weekend and stop by our blog if you have time and want some new recipes :-)
Thanks for the follow! Stopped by to link up and to follow you back :)
First time visitor :) Thank you for allowing us to join your party!! I'm a sugar girl here......
Thanks for hosting this. So many wonderful blogs to visit.
Hi :) Just wanted to let you know that your blog hop has been added to the Time4Mommy Community Directory. You can find it here: http://favs.time4mommy.com/friday-blog-hops.html If you would like to add/edit a picture, description or the title, just let us know!
Thanks for hosting! Also, I'm your newest follower from http://sweetpeasandbb.blogspot.com/
Thanks for hosting once again.
I use splenda.
Linking up and following back. Thanks for stopping by yesterday!
Thanks for hosting! Looking forward to meeting bunches of new bloggers! :)
Oh yeah, I'm your newest follower!! :)
I am spending A LOT of my time here lately; it's the best I've found for helping me design my own blog; excited to be joining the blog hop!
gin @ Life as Topher's Mama
new gfc friend from the Hop along Fri. Please follow me back at http://simplyshopandsave.ca
Joining in for the first time! And I too have to go with Sugar... just not a fan of the chemicals...
hippity hopping here today!
Hey! I'm following you back from FMBT. Thanks for stopping by. Off to take a look around...
new follower. :)
hey i am a new follower on your blog site could you please follow me back as well thanks so much
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