Boost My Blog Friday - 7/08

Hello everybody and welcome to Design It Chic, your place to learn easy tricks to design and promote your own blog! And since today is Friday, that means it's time to catch up with Boost My Blog Friday here at Design It Chic!

For those of you new here, it's very simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
So just make sure you link with us, follow us as the host (and leave us a comment so we know you follow us and return the love back:) And then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments, send them love notes and chocolate boxes *WOW scratch that last part:P* and don't forget to do the happy dance!

If you join with us on Boost My Blog Friday, please take your time and leave a comment, so we know you're participating with us and maybe pay you a visit:) Thanks!

And as always, today we have another question for you:
What qualities do you posses more: the ones of a follower or the ones of a leader?

Definitely a follower of Jesus Christ, and aspiring leader in day to day life:) Happy to take charge, assume responsibilities and delegate, but every now and then going with the flow makes things a little relaxing:) Now how about you ladies? What is your personality more like?! Are you more of a follower type or you get more the leading vibe? Feel free to share it here with us and find out what other fellow bloggers said too:) Now let's get this party started!

And, if you missed anything here at Design It Chic, you can now check the Blog Tips section at the top of the page, if you need more tips on building up your blog, new blog design tutorials, search engine optimization tricks or all the easy steps to improve your blog's traffic! Happy Friday!


Kristin said...

Thanks for the hop!

Anonymous said...

Already following on GFC! Thanks for hosting the Linky!
TGI "Stalk Hop Friday" w/ Mrs. Marine

Sanghamitra Bhattacherjee(Mukherjee) said...

Uber chic blog here! Very creative! Now, following you and added a couple of posts! Thanks for hosting:)
Hope to see you on my blog:)
Happy weekend!


Veronika said...

Love finding new blogs at this hop! Thank you for hosting the link up! :)
Happy weekend!

ahappygirl said...

i'm participating! thanks sso much for hosting!

Heidi said...

I'm your newest follower from the Friday Blog Hop! Would love if you would stop by!

Laura-A Goddess of Frugality said...

Thanks again for hosting and also for linking up for Footloose and Fancy Free:) Have a great weekend!


Sweaty said...

A new follower and first timer at Boost my Blog Friday...

Hope you have some time to visit me at my blog and follow back :)

Turning the Clock Back said...

thanks for the linky!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

Thanks for hosting today.

Jo Black said...

Love your blog!!

Leigh Powell Hines said...

Thanks for hosting!

Meandering Matt said...

I'm a follower and I'm adding my blog to the list for this week!

Shelli said...

Thanks for continuing to host this Blog Hop every week! Also, thanks for such a helpful site!! You're awesome!!

Heather Nelsen said...

Thanks for hosting! I love your blog design. Feel free to stop by and visit!

Orangies Attic said...

Definitely prefer to lead most of the time... but if it's something I don't feel is my expertise I'm happy to let others take the lead. Thanks so much for hosting the hop! Orangies Attic

Andi said...

Thanks for the opportunity to share my blog and find other new blogs to read!

Susan said...

New follower from today's hop - thanks for hosting.


Debbie said...

Hi thanks for the advice .. I am sooo new to this..My blog is

Sarah S said...

I am a new follower! Looks like you have a great blog, I look forward to digging in and learning more.
~Sarah aka SoxyLady

Colette S said...

I'm in between. I know when to follow and when to lead. Sometimes I have to do both whether I want to or not.

Sometimes I prefer to lead and sometimes I prefer to follow.


Karen said...

Visiting from the Alexa Hop from I stumbled this post and followed you;)

Unknown said...

I'm your newest follower! Thanks for hosting!

Angela McInnis said...

Thank you very much for this party and for all the tips you give in every post. They are very helpful and I appreciate the time you take to help others!

aMbEr rEnEe said...

i'm not sure how this really works out... but i submitted my link ;)

Angela Watts said...

New follower, thanks for hosting the blog hop.

Fashion Confessions of a Mommy said...

Thank you for hosting.
I am definitely a 'leader'. At times I work on being a 'follower' but it is with difficulty.

Anonymous said...


I'm your newest follower and blog hop participant. My name is Kate McAtee and my blog is Her Little Mister! I love your blog! Thanks for hosting this awesome hop!

Have a great weekend!

Claire Justine said...

Hi thanks for the hop, i'm not sure how to follow you as i think the links not showing up on my blog is it under crew? i will pop back later to follow you :)

Unknown said...

thanks for such an easy link-up! great site!!! love for you to stop by mine sometime . . . ;)

stef said...

Leaving a comment as asked..I linked up but not sure if I did it right..also I have been following your blog for a bit now-like it lots!
oh and as for your question; i am totally a follower which as a Christian is not always a good thing..unless I am following the right ppl!

Crafts for Kids - Piggy Giggles said...

Hi, I found your site on the Alexa Blog hop and I'm a new follower.

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

I am a day late so did not get my name on the linky but please come visit if you can.
Peace...Naila Moon