Hello everybody and welcome back to Design It Chic, your place to learn easy tricks to design and promote your own blog! And since today is Friday again, that means it's time to catch up with Boost My Blog Friday here at Design It Chic!

For those of you new here, it's very simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
So just make sure you link with us, follow us as the host (and leave us a comment so we know you follow us and return the love back:) And then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments,
If you join with us on Boost My Blog Friday, please take your time and leave a comment, so we know you're participating with us and maybe pay you a visit:) Thanks!
And as always, today we have another question for you:
When you need a little energy are you going for some fresh fruits or some home-made baked goodies?
Definitely fresh fruits! Home made cookies and pies are absolutely delicious and they no doubt give you that boost of energy you need. But fresh fruits also give you vitamins and they don't even take all that time to get prepared:) SO who doesn't go for fast, easy and fresh?! Now how about you ladies? Are you eating more fresh fruits or delighting your family with some amazing home made baked goodies? Feel free to share your choice here with us and find out what other fellow bloggers said too:) Now let's get this party started!
And, if you missed anything here at Design It Chic, you can now check the Blog Tips section at the top of the page, if you need more tips on building up your blog, new blog design tutorials, search engine optimization tricks or all the easy steps to improve your blog's traffic! Happy Friday!

Thanks a great deal foe visiting me at Reflexions. I'm following you back and love your blog design. Please also feel free to link up to our weekend blog hop. Thanks.
I'm a new follower from boost my blog Friday! Check me out and follow back at http://materialgirlgreen.blogspot.com
Fruit or yogurt
Thanks for letting me link up! Happy to be here!
Thanks as always for hosting a great link-up. I would go for the cookies. I know, bad choice but the honest answer, LOL!
Hi! thanks for visiting and following my blog. Also, thanks for the tip for this hop. So great. =]
I'm already following you.
Thanks for the linkup!
Thanks so much for hosting this every week! Happy Friday!
I'm joining you for today's hop. Thanks for hosting, I always look forward to Fridays!
and in answer to your question...I'm a sucker for those homemade goodies--and my waistline shows it :/
I usually listen to music for my energy or eat something with grains.
Thanks for hosting. I don't get to swing by on Fridays too often so this is a treat. =D
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Hi, thanks for hosting. I visited and discovered a some great sites I hadn't come across before.
I like 5 hour energy or some coffee for an extra boost.
Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by and for the sweet comment on my blog. I'm returning the love and following you. :-)
Emily @ Love{&}Bugs
New follower! Thanks for the invite :) What a great hop!
Punkin Heads and Dooda Loos
Hi I have joined your "Boost My Friday" blog hop and joined your site. I hope you can pop over to my site and say hi!
I'm a new blogger - I just linked up and I now follow you - I'd love it if you'd check out my blog!
Hi, I'm Kristi, new to the blog hop. You can find me at www.agentrandomosity.blogspot.com.
I go for bananas and apples when I need a boost - which is often! ;)
Thanks for the hop and dropping by with some bloggy love!
I've Become My Mother
I've Become My Mother facebook
Thans for hosting! This is one of my favouite Link Parties :)
Thanks for the comment and blog follow. I'm following you back!
I totally agree with the fresh fruits. I may really want the sugary treats...but I try to save those when I don't need energy!
I love the fresh fruits! Especially things like strawberries and such.
Love your site! I'm your newest follower!
New Follower and new member of Boost My Blog Friday! Yay!
xoxo, Nali
New follower! Hope you'll follow back!
I started following you from the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop - Week 21! I am a part of the blog hop. :)
I'm following your site, Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, Networked Blogs, etc. if applicable!
I hope you're having a great weekend!
-Courtney P.
P.S. You have some great content on your site and give some great tips which I will definitely be reading and using since I'm a brand new blogger! Thank you! :)
Hi! I am a new follower from the Blog Hop, via GFC. Please follow me back at http://jessycaspage.blogspot.com/
Have a great weekend!
I keep missing the Linky every week! You must close it pretty early, so I guess I need to try and enter it as soon as possible.
If anyone is interested,
here is my Blog for the Hop!
"Sweet Peas and Bumblebees"
like the post ! im a new follower follow back please if you can @ www.ellienoelle.blogspot.com :)
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