Hello everybody and welcome back to Design It Chic, your place to learn easy tricks to design and promote your own blog! And since today is Friday again, that means it's time to catch up with Boost My Blog Friday here at Design It Chic!

For those of you new here, it's very simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
So just make sure you link with us, follow us as the host (and leave us a comment so we know you follow us and return the love back:) And then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments,
If you join with us on Boost My Blog Friday, please take your time and leave a comment, so we know you're participating with us and maybe pay you a visit:) Thanks!
And as always, today we have another question for you:
Would you rather travel by plane or by car?
Definitely picking the car every time. Plane is a bit more overwhelming since it feels like there's a bunch of people trapped in a case for what feels like a million miles away from earth! And here's the moment where all the anxious-neurotic-soon-to-be-flight-attendants(just like yours truly:P) start panicking and throw tomatoes this way:P Definitely not helping, right?! Well if it makes it a little better it's been proved that plane is the fastest and the most secure transportation method.. so cheers to that:) Better?!:) hi hi Now how about you ladies? How do you prefer traveling: by plane or by car... or maybe time machine?!;) hi hi Feel free to share your choice here with us and find out what other fellow bloggers said too:) Now let's get this party started!
And, if you missed anything here at Design It Chic, you can now check the Blog Tips section at the top of the page, if you need more tips on building up your blog, new blog design tutorials, search engine optimization tricks or all the easy steps to improve your blog's traffic! Happy Friday!

I like both, but it depends on where I am going. If the drive lasts for longer than probably 12 hours I have to drive. But then again, I am an instant gratification kind of girl and sometimes want to be somewhere ASAP.
Thanks for hosting!
~your newest follower
i feel the same about riding a plane.
thanks for hosting
Thanks for the blog hop! Hope you have a wonderful Friday.
I prefer riding a plane; I find it more exciting! :-)
Thank you so much for hosting!
I am so glad to meet new friends from all over the
I'm your newest follower via GFC.
Please feel free to visit my blog.
Looking forward to seeing you there and
hope you will follow me back.
I prefer traveling by car. My last plane ride was traumatic. We were going to Cancun and the whole 3 hour flight was turbulent. I spent the entire trip nauseated from the turbulence (we were in the very back of the plane.) When we hit bad weather over GA, the plane dropped and peoples drinks flew up in the air. My husband had been coming back from the bathroom and lost his footing and went up in the air a bit. I seriously thought the plane was going to drop from the sky. So it will take a heavy tranquilizer (a la Mr. T) to get me back on a plane!
It depends as to where we are traveling to.
I like traveling both ways, although I don't get to travel by plane very often.
I love road trips...particularly long ones; but I love to fly too. So either way as long as I'm going somewhere. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm participating for the first time in a long while. Have a great weekend!
Hello Design It Chic,
I would prefer to travel by car! Anyway you never know as I am yet to travel by plane. So many relatives, friends and pen-pals have been inviting me to visit them and I have yet to take that trip. Thank you very much for visiting my Blog and becoming a Follower. I appreciate your comments very much. I am also happy to participate in your Blog Hop. I have just made a new Post on my Blog. Do check it when you find the time. Take care and have a great weekend.
Hard to choose-I like both! But if I drive, I can take my dog with me!
And thanks for your tutorials-they've really helped!
I would do either, I just want to go somewhere! lol Thanks for hosting. Have a great weekend!
I have only been flying once, and I thought it was so much fun. I do like going on car rides though, because you get to see so much more along the way. I am fairly new to your blog hop party and wanted to say thanks for hosting it! I'm a follower.
Thanks for the linky! I'm def. more of a plane person myself!
Happy Friday!!
Thanks for the linky! I'm def. more of a plane person myself!
Happy Friday!!
I prefer car, but hopefully I will get over that soon! Thanks for hosting!
Hi...thanks for the follow and the invite to your hop. It's terrific. Oh, I can travel either way....plane or car....just depends what mood I'm in and where we're going. ;)
Love your blog! I'm a new follower!
I rather travel by car!
Thanks for finding my blog on FFC and joining!
I normally enjoy trips in the car because you just can't pull over a plane if you see something interesting you want to check out!
While planes are not good for the environment, sometimes they feel necessary. What is a 24+hr drive turns into a 2.5hour flight! We're so lucky to have quick and safe travel!
Thank you for hosting the hop! New follower! :)
Thanks for following. I am actually already a follower her. Ha ha. Thank you for hosting. I love the chance to read new blogs and meet new friends! Thanks, Have a great weekend!
Hi! New follower...i like better riding a plane!
Car.. I love making stops along the way. Planes make me sick. Yuck.
Saw you on Friendly Friday. Would love for you to follow me back @ http://www.ienjoystuff.blogspot.com
following from friday stalker, would love a follow back
I heart a Plane ride, its always so exciting! Thanks for the HOP
Hmm, it depends. If there are no kids I love long road trips, but if there are kids I say plane all the way. I'm a new follower.
New follower...:) Thanks for hosting!
Joining up! I love new followers!!
Hi there, following you now via GFC from the Lots of Lovin' Weekend Hop!
Please follow me and like on Facebook!
If you are ever interested in exchanging buttons, let me know!
Now following, please follow back!
I think it depends on where I am going and who i am going with. When traveling with the kids, I like the car, we can travel at their pace, stop and run around and it is less hassle!
Thanks for hosting the blog hop!
your newest follower
Yay! So glad I found you. I've had my personal blog for years and I was ok with a handful of followers but now that I'm doing the Disney blog, I really want to get the word out there! Disney has soooo much to offer and I want the world to know about it. :) I'm excited to dig in here and see how you can help me spread that word about www.allmouseallthetime.com
Plane. It means I'm going somewhere fun and far away :) I'm your newest follower. Thanks for hosting!
Ashlee @ Capernaum Home
New follower! First time linking up! Thanks for the hop. :)
Car ride! Never been on a plane. Never want to.
Following from the Super Mom blog hop & joined your blog hop as well! Please follow back at www.EcoCrazyMom.com and feell free to add your blog to my Blog Directory at http://ecocrazymom.com/?page_id=409.
thanks for the host!
Plane is faster, so I like traveling by planes
Definitely prefer travel by car - so much easier when traveling with little ones! http://bitsofbee.blogspot.com/
Personally, I prefer a plane but if I'm with my kids then I prefer a car.
I guess it would depend on the distance, but I do enjoy car trips!
A new follower
Thanks for hosting & I look forward to visiting & your tips.
It usually depends on where I'm going, but I'd much rather hop on a plane, I just want to get where I'm going the fastest way possible.
Btw, hopping over from Detour Destination Baby. Would love it if you stopped by my blog http://detourdestinationbaby.blogspot.com/
New follower! Will be paroosing your blog often! :)
Thanks for popping past the blog and saying hey. We will join your next Friday hop for sure :D
Definately by plane. Cause that means I'm heading somewhere good!
We travel by car now. With a family of four we find it cheaper and just that much less stressful. Generally takes longer, but it gives us more freedom!
New follower from the Alexa blog hop! gotomommy.blogspot.com
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