Hello everybody and welcome back to Design It Chic, your place to learn easy tricks to design and promote your own blog! And since today is Friday again, that means it's time to catch up with Boost My Blog Friday here at Design It Chic!

For those of you new here, it's very simple.. the only rule is: no rules!! That's right!! This blog-hop is supposed to be a boost in our blogs' asses... friends-wise:)!!
So just make sure you link with us, follow us as the host (and leave us a comment so we know you follow us and return the love back:) And then feel free to follow whoever you want to, leave nice comments,
If you join with us on Boost My Blog Friday, please take your time and leave a comment, so we know you're participating with us and maybe pay you a visit:) Thanks!
And as always, today we have another question for you:
Do you hang your clothes on hangers or fold them?
A little bit of both. Folding shirts, tank tops and jeans and hanging skirts, fancy pants, dresses, blouses and cardigans on hangers. This way you keep the casuals easy to access and the more pretentious ones straight and without a wrinkle:) hi hi Now how about you ladies? How do you generally keep your clothes: hanging or folded?! Feel free to share your choice here with us and find out what other fellow bloggers said too:) Now let's get this party started!
And, if you missed anything here at Design It Chic, you can now check the Blog Tips section at the top of the page, if you need more tips on building up your blog, new blog design tutorials, search engine optimization tricks or all the easy steps to improve your blog's traffic! Happy Friday!

Hello Dear.... Thanks for hosting the party...
Please come and have a cup of tea with me …I baked a delicacies Cheese Strawberry Cake…
Visit me if you can
Have a great weekend
Thank you for stopping by my blog (Perspicacity) and commenting! And thank you for hosting a hop - I love it when it's simple - when there are 500 rules to follow my attention span wanders!!!!
We do a little of both. I would love to hang everything up but with a family of 6, we never seem to have enough hangers!
Just wanted to let you know I'm following! Thanks for hosting!
Too be honest...neither. The only pieces of clothing I'm nice to is my Fox hoodie and my fancy outfits (ie. dresses, dress pants, expanse clothing, etc). Other than that I shove them into my dressers or "accidently" forget and they end up on the floor. I seriously need a maid to keep my room and car cleaned.
(PS, I love your blog)
Thanks for hosting the hop and for linking up for FL and FF:) TGIF!
I'm your newest follower...thanks for the simple blog hop!
I just wanna thank ya for hosting such a great hop! come by and say hi if ya like :)
misadventures of a chunky goddess
Thank you for hosting the hop! New Follower... :)
Please come by if you get a minute: http://wp.me/pYcKQ-eb
Love your blog! Thank you for stopping by and letting me know about your awesome blog hop! :)
Already a follower...thanks for hosting...always love your tips
I do both! I hang things I don't want to wrinkle but fold sweaters not to leave hanger marks on them! :)
Following! :)
Happy Friday!
Joining in and looking forward to discovering some new blogs to follow. Thank you for hosting!
Newest follower! Thanks for hosting :-)
And I hang my clothes on the huggable hangers!
To answer your question,Our house is a mix of hangers and folded stuff. The main thing is that everything has a place and most times everything is in its place.
Thanks for the invite to come see your blog and I appreciate you commenting on mine.
Mrs. Bacon
Thank you fcr stopping by HomeIs Cool Links blog. I appreciate your kind words. I am now following you back. I tried to link up in you linkytools blog hop but it would not stop loading so I could link in. May check back later today. Blessings!
Ok finawlly got in, just letting you know. Thanks again.
Dropping in this week. I love coming by and visiting.
Have a blessed weekend.
Thanks for stopping by my blog & thanks for the invite. Following you back! I like your site and since I'm new at this I may need some advise.
Linked up to your blog hop for the first time! Love your helpful blog! TGIF!!
Both... Depends on what piece of clothing it is : )
I have things folded and some on hangers. Depends on what the item is.
I'm glad I found this and entered! exciting. I added your badge to the bottom of my blog. I'm a new follower and excited to read future posts!
Thank you so much for hosting this hop! I'm a follower! :)
Returning the love from More Smores! :)
I love it no rules. Thank you so much for coming by my site and hosting the hop. I am looking forward to diving into the blogs today.....I am now a follower. Happy Friday
I do both.
Thank you for a great blog hop! Now a follower too! ;o)
Thanks for the hop! Added my info and grabbed all the buttons!
Thanks so much for hosting!
Hi. I'm a new follower. This is my first time participating in the blog hop. Come by and check me out. :)
Have a great weekend - I'm so busy renovating and doing housework its not funny!
following via GFC. Swing by my blog when you get a chance.
I'm a new follower!
Can't wait to read more
Hi there, just want to let you know I am now a new follower.
Thank you for hosting this party! I'm a new follower.
Hey there! I'm joining :) You are awesome for having this.
New follower, thanks for stopping by my blog
I prefer to hang them.
old follower but stopping by from Lots of Lovin’ Weekend Blog Hop :)
Thanks for hosting this! I'm a new follower :)
Thanks for hosting :) Can't wait to participate next week for my first time!
Thanks for the follow, returning the favor!
I do both. Jeans and pants get folded, long sleeves and things that get wrinkled easily get hung up. Mostly fold my items though. Btw, I'm following you & linked you on my blog. :]
This is my second official Blog Hop and I'm loving it. Thanks for making it super easy!!
Thanks for hosting such a fun idea! We'll be following from now on...
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