Today's topic: 3 SEO tips not everybody knows
We already defined what SEO stands for and what does it mean. Anyway, there are millions of tips on this subject but as always i will focus on some that actually helped me. Everybody wants to be found by search engines these days:) Why, you may ask? Because used properly, search engines can drive tons of traffic, and traffic helps the ranking. So here's 3 SEO tips that not everybody knows (and this is smth that I keep improving myself):
1. Submit your blog to Social Bookmarking Sites! Your blog must be so great and useful, but as long as it is isolated, nobody will find out about it! So another way to scream your blog's name out of the top of your lungs, is to submit it to bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit and there's plenty more like them!

2. Submit your blog to Google Blog Search! Well most of you know about Google as being the one almighty! And it is.. but not everyone knows how to use it in their advantage! So what you need to do is submit your blog post's URL to Google and i linked that here, so i can make it easier for you.

3. Submit your blog to other search engines! Submitting your blog to other search engines is as important as it is to submit it to Google. So here's a list of other engines and the direct link you can do that at: FeedBurner, WeBlogAlot, BlogRolling and IceRocket! There's many more but these are the highest ranked ones:)
And these are the 3 SEO tips I'm giving you today! More useful tips on the next SEO post! If you want to know more on this subject you can find other SEO tips here, or if you need help tweaking your blog you can find that under Blog Tips, right at the top of the page. :)

thank you, i appreciate the tips! You're awesome.
wow thanks!!!! that was really helpful! =)
wow thanks!!!! that was very helpful! =)
Your tips are very helpful! Thanks.
do i have to submit my blog url to google many times? or once is enough?
Thanks for the tips.
I have also added my blog URL to Yahoo as well after reading another blog's tips on SEO as well :)
That is so helpful:) Thanks so much:)
I'm so glad you stopped by because I always need tips/help thanks for sharing with everyone! Have a great day! Denise
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge. I can't wait to read more of your tips!
Such good information! Thanks for following my blog, Bocci's Beefs-please pass it around!
I work at an art and design college, so I love getting intertwined via my blog with the design crowd-I already am in my real world!
I'll put you on my blogroll right now!
Your buddy,
Thanks - I did not know all these things. You rock!
Returning the follow from Welcome Wednesday.
Thank you for stopping by and I look forward to reading more from you soon.
Awesome tips - thanks!!
Thanks for joining Friendly Wednesday! Hope to see you there next week as well!
Thanks for all the great tips! Glad I found your blog through Welcome Wednesday!
now follower from follow me tuesday. http://www.rubylanes.blogspot.com/
Following you back from FMBT! =) Have a great week!
Loving your blog!! I'm happy to be your newest follower and would love to have you visit Frou Frou Decor..I love new friends! I would also like to invite you to link up at my Fabulous Friday Finds party, every Friday-Monday..anything that inspires you from crafts to recipes! Hope to see you there!
~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~
Oh, you are amazing! As a new blogger, I really appreciate all the tips I can get!!
Thank you for sharing...
Following via Thursday blog hopping
PLEASE follow me back at:
also stop in during our READY FOR BABY blogging event AUG 23-28th for
40+ reviews and giveaways! We have some awesome sponsors!
Hello we are from www.theclipcafeblog.blogspot.com found you via Welcome wednesdays. Are the little pics supposed to have a link so we can see where you are today?
These are great tips and I'm glad to have found your blog via SITS. There's so much to learn and discover when it comes to social media, the mind boggles. Thanks for making it seem a little simpler!
Thanks for this great post and the tips! I didn't know about a lot of these, so my blog thanks you as well! :D
Found you from FunFritzFamily's BlogHop. Glad I did! Love your blog! Hope to see you around the Bloggy-verse!
thanks so much for the tips. I'm a follower now!
You know I've tried so many of these tips to get noticed on search engines and still nothing. It's so frustrating!
This was really helpful. Thanks for the info.
The Things We Find Inside
Thanks so much! I visited all the sites you listed and added my RSS feed or blog url.
I'll be back, and I'm also following you now. Thank you for following me.
Everyone else follow my ROMANCE blog too and I'll follow you,
Hi! Just wanted to let you know about my MomsReview4You Wednesday blog hop! Would love it if you would come follow me and link up!
Great tips but I blog regardless of follower numbers. I do it for the love of writing and the love of puting my daft and wicked thoughts "out there".
Excellent tips! I'll be taking my time reading over your site, it looks like a great resource. Following you from The Blog Hop Extravaganza.
Tina @ The Floundering SAHM
thx so much for the tips^^ and thx for following me back =)
Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the awesome tips! I have a local blog that I just began and these will really help me out. I'm a new follower!
This has been selected one of my great posts of the week.
Very useful tips. Thanks you.
Very useful tips. I'm glad I came across your blog... I will read more tips on your blog
I'd love it if you could show us how to create an advertise here button to put on our blog sidebars.
Areally useful post thank you, I am not too good a blogging (great at scrapbooking and craft but not computing!) so your site will help me enhance my blog. Found you on Follow me Friday xxx
Great tips! Glad I found your blog, I'm your newest follower.
Excellent info. Thank you so much for all the great information you give on your blog. Definitely one of my favorites!
Thanks for the info. It continues to be relevant. Sandra
Thanks for the tips
Luv this blog. It's cool and very informative. Will come for more.
Wonderful,Interesting and so so helpful! Thank you
Thanks for this helpful tutorial. Tried several of the search engines and found that IceRocket has ceased operation. Going to check out more of your tutorials, there easy to use - already did Live Signature for my blog : D
Thanks for this helpful tutorial. Tried several of the search engines and found that IceRocket has ceased operation. Going to check out more of your tutorials, there easy to use - already did Live Signature for my blog : D
I'm a new follower, thanks for following my blog as well! I'm loving all your tutorials, they are Awesome!!!
Thanks for visiting my page!! Wow! You have some great tutorials!! I am now a follower.
Great info! Thanks so much!
Thanks so much for the information.
So glad I ran across your blog.
This is seriously one of the most helpful blogs I have come across! New follower for sure!
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