First Peek

OK guys I'll keep it short today 'cause my head hurts really bad and my thoughts are literally spinning around in my head.

So as i said, this vacation(it was more like a 5-days-off)we managed to give some facelifts to our home....rearranging things, re-use others and even buy one or two things here and there

Anyway, today i decided to give you a sneak peek over one corner of our home. Any guess?? However,it's not completely done..we're half way there..but there you go... and I'll reveal more these days..

It is said that these kind of stuff make people curious...i doubt it and i even make a bet with myself that I'll have the same amount of readers tomorrow as today and any other day for that matter(that is sadly 0-2:P)
Pweetty pweease prove me wrong!
Happy Thursday Everyone!

Tom Scheerer 's Crisp :)

Being Sunday, and as all people i tend to like to relax and throw my looks over something chic and smooth to the eyes, i thought that Tom Scheerer's rooms would be the right place to go. Look at this gorgeous Brooklyn townhouse:

It's so tanned and full of crisp colors and textures.. oh so dreamy! And speaking of crisps and sands, here's the De Givenchy residence:

And now I'll leave you with this beautiful serene Lyford Cay Club...tell me it's not just crystal chic and oh so relaxing?!

Happy Sunday!

Pictures Courtesy of Tom Scheerer

Country Home Fireplaces

Do you remember the feeling your grandma's farm gave you back in the old days? Do you remember the winter nights when the wood was clacking in the fireplace and the smell of fresh cookies backed on granny's stove was just making you melt in that country feeling? Well in the name of the old times i present you some really country fireplaces selected by the Country Home Magazine.

Pictures Courtesy of
Country Home

Do you guys have any story from grandma's country farm? Or anything that reminds you of your childhood around your sweet granny? DO share!

Small Cool Customized Rental

OK i will let the pictures speak for themselves. But before that, I just need to say that Emile's rental looks fantastic, and it gives a lot of ideas for our own rental. I may try one of these tricks on my own.. but enough about that.. just let the slide begin.

Pictures Courtesy of
Apartment Therapy

If you want to check the whole story of Emile's New York rental go over Apartment Therapy.


Surprisingly Homey

These days I've been looking for some other chic/natural look inspiration rooms and i instead found this amazing cute couple from back in LA, that has this weird industrial home. But it's something about it that makes it feel so cozy and homey,and i kinda like it in a way. I don't quite know what is it, but you take a look yourselves and tell me what it is that makes it so unique and appealing to teh eye, cause it literally drives me freakin' crazy !!!

Pictures Courtesy of Apartment Therapy

I think these guys have such a unique sense of style if they made it to pull off this 'barn-like' home and make it feel so cozy and homey and soooo happy! Congrats' you guys! You amazed me!
Oh, and if you want to check more on Justin and Joshua's place and their story go over Apartment Therapy


Blue Moon

And no, this post is not a paraphrase of the New Moon book of Twilight Saga(tough i am a #1 fan!!!)
I went over designer Sue Adams' site and i immediately fell in love with these blue bathrooms that she designed lately. Take a look by yourself and tell me they are not just dreamy.

If you want to check out more designs by Sue Adams go check out her site right here.Hope you enjoyed them as much as i did.
Happy Saturday everyone!

Pictures courtesy of HGTV and Sue Adams

Pump It ..DOWN!!!

Today i started my daily search over the internet by looking for coffee tables, rugs and window treatment sales. Spring always make me want to change those ones for just a breezy feeling in the house:)
As usual i started my tour over at Target to check their offers for the coffee tables cause I've always found good deals over there. And this time as always Target didn't fail to surprise me. Check out this astonishing antique like looking treasure..

isn't she hot and fancy..oh i would so see it in any natural/chic living room. And for only $49.99 beans is such a steal.

And for a new modern look to add to that, I found this beautiful Ikea rug. I swear I thought I'm seeing things with this price tag: only $29.99 in the 6'5"x4'5" size..woohoo

But nothing screams more 'take-me-home-right-now!!!' than these beautiful Vallerie floral embroidery panels from JCPenny Outlet Store..

and check out the price...WHAAAAAAT?!?.. $9.99 for these beauties??? run faster than the wind if you want to still catch one:)

Oh my.. i have to ventilate after this whole heart-beat-race I've had just now.. whooo.. i almost passed out! Glad i had my couch to support me:P
Oh how i love these days when great deals come to me just like that!Did you guys find any great deals lately? If so, do tell!

p.s: Pictures Courtesy of Target, Ikea and JCPenny

Pyrex Love <3

Lately I've been looking for so many kitchen related things that i start believing that I've become too domestic or so:P No worries.. I'll still keep part of my rebel personality at top as i still refuse to wash dishes by hand everyday..most likely once in 2-3 days..or until my sweet husband endures to help me with drying them after(yeah it's a whole process with washing the dishes down here .. actually it's because of the chalk-stone in the water that you don't afford to just wash the dishes.. and you must dry them out immediately after you washed them ,with some towels of a sort, so the dishes won't remain stained...and no, we do not own a dish-washer ... ohhhh how i hate drying each and every single tiny item i wash:P...)
*washing fairy, please don't forget me with a dish-washing machine anytime soon!!!*

However this post doesn't relate necessary to the washing part but more likely to the dishes part. Long story short.. i again felt in love with another 'miracle' i find everyday.. today is all about Pyrex love. For those of you who don't know what Pyrex is, go check Wikipedia and you'll find out just like that:)

I love their patterns on the dishes and they are so freaking hot looking that I'd so want some displayed on my inside-of-the-kitchen-bar.. *ohhh so dreamy*

And now.. TAAAA-freaking-DAAAAAAAA.. here are the fab' ones on the catwalk:

Pictures Courtesy of eBay

Picture Courtesy of eBay

Picture Courtesy of

Picture Courtesy of

Picture Courtesy of

Picture Courtesy of eBay

Tell me they are not just gorge'...ohhhh how i wish Easter Bunny or Spring Chicken or Dishes Fairy hear me now....

April Fools

I know it's April Fools everyone.. so i won't buy anything that seems unreal today! I tend to be more suspicious than regularly and i don't believe most of the 'wow' news i hear. However if something is real.. tell me tomorrow and I'll give more thought!

Anyway . i don't want to fool you guys today so i thought a post about how to recreate a fab' "closet-office" would work out just fine!

Well I've been looking for choices of furniture that you can buy at good prices and I found 2 super duper hot deals!

The inspiration ..well better let's just get to business:)

The inspiration room was this built-in closet workspace featured on the Sunset:

But not all of us have these closets on the hand to be used for this purpose. So for the unlucky ones , i have a suggestion that it might just help a little. I went over to one of my favorite stop shops, Ikea , and found this tiny piece of heaven who can replicate the built-in-closet just fine!

And for 399$ and 2 coats of wood white paint, you will get your own "closet workspace" exactly in the place you'd like it to be:)

On the other hand if you want to keep it at smaller scales, you can go for the exact sum to CB2 and buy this beautiful indie wardrobe that with some imagination, can be used as a workstation and yet not to suck up all the space in the room.

And for an impression over the height of the wardrobe here's a picture so you can relate yourself to the height of a dining table:

It's not quite the built-in-closet-workspace but it gives a good replica and i believe it also gives you options over the color, the display place and the height of your new sanctuary :)

What do you think? Do you guys, have closet-offices as well? And what did you do with all the 'stuff' you had in there? Don't you need that storage space? Give tips back to us!